I have successfully implemented the sight and damage sense for the AI, but have no clue on how the team sense should be used.
The only pointer is given here. However, I encountered the same problem with the OP. Specifically, in my AI controller subclass, I added:
void AQLAIController::BroadcastTarget(AQLCharacter* Target)
if (Target)
float EventRange = 1000.0f;
FAITeamStimulusEvent TeamStimulusEvent(this, // broadcaster
Target, // enemy
Target->GetActorLocation(), // last known location
EventRange // event range
UAIPerceptionSystem::OnEvent<FAITeamStimulusEvent, FAITeamStimulusEvent::FSenseClass>(GetWorld(), TeamStimulusEvent);
This broadcast event is not perceived by:
void AQLAIController::OnPerceptionUpdatedImpl(const TArray<AActor*>& UpdatedActors)
So what is the canonical usage of team sense? Thanks for any advice!