Blueprint cast customEvent

hi everyvone i make press umg button and start animation.
I create widget and umg Button.
And ı create customEvent character blueprint.
And ı go umg Button widget cast characterBP and ı use Touchaim.
Why this error.
Sorry my english so bad.

You need a reference to your “Swordsman_AnimBP”. If you need help creating references the following link may be useful to you. Check out video #25, it is all about creating references.

If he swordsman is a playable character just plug in “get player character”

In response to your other thread about this same issue, unless you are creating a multiplayer game and have more than 1 player spawned into the world :“get player character 1” would fail. Change it back to the default “get player character 0” and it should work (assuming the swordsman is a player character)

Link to second thread with screen shot referred to above.

You are missing inputs to all of your functions.

You should first get a reference to your character’s mesh. Then from that mesh you can get its anim instance (anim blueprint) and cast it to yours. Now you can call your functions: