Better pvr compresion for lightmaps?

When using UE3 you can disable lightmap compression on mobile using .ini file. Default UE4 settings are compressing lighmaps and they look ugly. How can I disable this compression when cooking build?

You can find the answer regarding PVR lightmap compression in this AnswerHub Post.

Thanks Tim I have read this topic and it doesnt have any informations on how to increase pvr compression quality, even a clue how to change pvrtool settings. I dont want to increase resolution, the compression is causing weird behavior. It can be fixed in UE3 so maybe there is a way to do this in UE4 as well.


bCompressLightmaps change to False and you will have nice looking light maps as on the PC.

Did changing this to False solve your issue? If so, I’ll mark this as the solution for your lightmap compression.


Yes - it should be in documentation because default compression won’t satisfy anyone.