How can I use “Video Codec” option in Render Movie Settings window (available from Sequencer editor when clicking on director’s clapboard icon)? No matter what I type there I always get an AVI file with sequence of JPEGs inside. Do I need to specify available codecs with paths to encoding binaries somewhere in settings or something similar?
I couldn’t find any informations about this option in Sequencer documentation.
I only write H264 and it work well.
Trying to figure it out.
The input value is used in
AVIWriter.cpp FindEncodingFilter(const FString& Name) (Line 126)
That function looks within windows for encoder. You only get a encoder when your input value matches the string that is shown there.
Valid values for me:
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO
WMVideo9 Encoder DMO
MSScreen 9 encoder DMO
DV Video Encoder
MJPEG Compressor
If you did not specify anything or there is no match, it defaults to MJPEG Compressor.
DV Video Encoder ignores resolution settings and outputs fixed 720x480, see:
WMVideo8 Encoder DMO, WMVideo9 Encoder DMO and MSScreen 9 encoder DMO do not work for me, they fail with error:
LogAVIWriter:Error: ERROR - Failed to connect encoding filter to muxer! (-2147220969)
The output container will always be .mov for Mac and .AVI for windows and other systems.
Took me some hours to figure that out. Would like to encode with h264 but that could not be found. Windows API stuff is crazy, can’t figure out on my own how to make it find other codecs.
I found this too by debugging AVIWriter.cpp earlier (back in July :P). Epic should change Video Codec field to combobox or make something new from scratch. For now I render to JPG images and use ffmpeg to create mp4 file.
Are you able to record while playing fluently? Do you use ffmpeg seperately or does unreal already have something built in?
EDIT: Are you using ffmpeg locally to create a video? We need that capability in the shipped game. ffmpeg is LGPL (GPL) and thus not compatible with unreal.
EDIT2: It’s ok to use the LGPL part of FFMPEG as long as it is dynamically linked.
I don’t record while playing - I use “Image Sequence (jpg)” option in Output Format. Then, after all frames are rendered to JPG, I use ffmpeg (outside of UE4) to make video from JPG frames.
Thanks man, this is exactly what I was looking for.