Project is playing game in Editor window and Standalone with no problem.
Sometimes asking for more streaming.poolsize - so there I’m adding tilde command r.streamming.poolsize 4000 and game plays ok.
I’m on Win10 64bit 24 BG Ram and UE 4.15.2.
Project is successfully cooked and build for windows based on output log info.
When started after quite time of loading shows a screen for seconds and crash.
This project started month ago and was cooked/build for win64 before on lower versions of EU (started since 4.12 I think), but was modified and migrated since.
It is a attempt to build/run a game after some time of development.
I checked crash logs but I don’t understand what it is says about errors, I’m not a specialist in that domain :-(.
I attach zip file of log crash folder from crash info and log file from saved/logs link text
Sommeone can help me understand reason of this crash?
Hello Bimbachi,
So in order for the Texture Streaming PoolSize to be saved in a packaged build, you need to modify your project’s DefaultEngine.ini.
I also took a look at the error message you are getting and it seems to either be an issue with Nvidia Ansel allocating memory when trying to use the plugin, and or the render targets running out of memory and causing the crash to occur.
LogD3D11RHI:Error: Direct3DDeviceCreateTexture2D(TextureDesc,SubResourceData,OutTexture2D) failed at D:\Build++UE4+Release4.15+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Windows\D3D11RHI\Private\D3D11Texture.cpp:441 with error E_INVALIDARG,Size=1x1x1 Format=DXGI_FORMAT_BC5_UNORM(0x00000053), NumMips=1, Flags=D3D11_BIND_SHADER_RESOURCE
This crash is associated with one of our top crashes UE-42280. We rolled out the 4.15.2 with Nvidia aftermath so we can gather more context based on these crashes. Could you also provide me with your ‘dxdiag’?
AndrewHyrley hello,
Thank you for informations.
1./ On DefaultEngin.ini od the project - I added r.streaming.poolsize=4000 in section of rendering.
Apparantly it did work but I lost all my modyfications to Project Preferences and my Game play persone now is not behaving correctly. I lost HUD cros mark some keys functionality like move up/down etc. (Even after reimporting INPUTS from copy).
2./ I did try to cook and build with no Ansel plugin on. Problem persisted.
3./ what could be those render targets out off memory? My PC has 24 GB and Asus Nvidia 1060 with 6GB.
I noticed that I have very significat miliseconds allocation in GPU optymalization panel to some proceslike: 61.22 ms > HZB Setups Mips Mips: 1 …9 512x512, 17,56 ms > Prepass DDM All_Opaque (foreced by DBuffer)
4./ I attach “dxdiag”,I hope this is what you asked forlink text?
best regards
well well - it is NOT SOLVED!
This is expected as the overarching issue has not been fixed. There are a number of other posts regarding this issue, but for tracking purposes this can be closed as your bug has been reported. You can always just keep an eye on the report I linked which will be updated as soon as a fix is made.
Thank you,
hmm ?, dose it means that until the bug is resolved I will not issue my job? can you tell at least what is a time perspective?
is there a anyway to find out witch one is this "D3D11Texture.cpp:441 texture causing problem?
hello Andrew,
error UE-42280 is resolved in 4.17, however I have still a problem!
I was trying to find solution and was posting few other posts:
here is recent try from 4.17
and crash log
[link text][2]
As mentioned in my post , strange to me is a fact that log error is pointing to other disk on my PC location of Project is on disk :C ?! unless engine is using other disk space to do calculations of build process. My Project was long time ago on disk :D, now is on disk C.
Can you pleas have a look or pass it to someone with enough knowlege, I would apreciate very much.