Dear Friends at Epic,
I am basing my analysis on Epic’s article on Localization stating that we should never convert FText to FString.
So if my conclusions are off base, well that is the information I am going on.
I am confused, it would seem that STextBlock and SRichText both are converting FText to FString any time they are actually displaying the text.
STextBlock does not even use FText at all as its base type,
The fundamental stored data is an FString!!!
and in SRichText::SetText(), the very first line is
//in RichText
const FString& InString = InText.ToString();
I am under the impression from your article that we should never be converting FText to String if we want to keep the localization
So how is Localization supported at all currently in terms of drawing it on the HUD using Slate?
How do I draw Localized text to the screen?