ERROR ITMS-90086: “Missing 64-bit support. Beginning on February 1, 2015 new iOS apps submitted to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK. Beginning June 1, 2015 app updates will also need to follow the same requirements. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of “Standard architectures” to build a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code.”
Hi AnaroGames,
Please provide more information about the issue…
- Are you trying to package on a Mac or PC
- Are you packaging a development or shipping build?
Make sure you have the following selected in your Project Settings:
- Supports Open GLES2 [ticked]
- Minimum iOS 6.1
- Support arm64 in Shipping
- Support armv7s in Shipping
- Make sure you tick “full rebuild” and “for distribution”
Lastly, please provide your entire Output Log as a text file (not an image) so that we can scan the text for errors.
This problem was fixed by deleting all saved and intermediate folder, check full rebuild and before i check “for distribution” must be selected also “Shipping”
- My actual problems are :
- My project was Blueprint then i choose to be c++ i can’t select ARM64 and AMRV7 for shipping ( game crush at launch )
Are you saying this is resolved for you now?
…Or are you still having an issue with the game crashing on launch when the project is C++ and you select ARM64 and ARMv7 in your Project Settings?
If so, in addition to selecting “for distribuiton” and “shipping” in your Project Settings, you must also:
- Make sure OpenGL support is enable in Render Settings
- Enable “Generate Xcode archive package”
*armv7 devices don’t support Metal, so they need OpenGL support -I believe this is the root of your issue.
Let me know if the above does not resolve the issue.
I still have problems with it .
- Check Shipping
- Check For Distribution
- Check OpenGL support
- Uncheck Generate Xcode archive package (Check Now)
- If i select “Developement” my game run only with ARMv7 , but i install to phone with IPP.
- Now i should try yo uncheck OpenGL ? and check rest of them ?
- Make sure you have Open GLES selected.
Also… What iOS version are you testing on?
*Note ARMv7 is used by modern ARM cores, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4 and 4S.
ARMv7s (is new A6 SoC for iPhone 5) *Have you tried with this selected instead of ARMv7?
Every way i package for shipping the game is crash , i try until now :
- ARM64 only
- ARM64 and ARMv7
- ARM64 and ARMv7 with and without GLES2
- ARM64 and ARMv7s
- all binary crash at launch ,
The only way to play the game was to package as developement . ARMv7 only . - If i try for Dev. ARM64 and ARMv7 i’ve got error “no symbols for ARM64 found”
- This crash logs was send by apple, i try to submit ARM64 only .
- crashlog-C55FFE75-0941-4860-A5FB-1CD926B3FF82.txt
- crashlog-83D3E6B3-9B7D-455F-891D-FAD650D7B375.txt
- crashlog-4712C036-E891-4731-A4DA-C0A9A5B344CE.txt
This is the Succesful Log :
This is error log when i try ARM64 and ARMv7 developement - List item
Also others have samo problem :
I will ge an answer here ?
I never got an answer to the question: Are you trying to package on a Mac or PC?
If your project contains C++ code, you will need to convert this to Xcode on a Mac or Remote build on a Mac from your PC.
In any case, you will eventually need a Mac to upload your code-signed app to the App Store either with Xcode or the Application Loader.
- I use a PC for my project, but i build with Remote on a MAC from my PC.
- and in this case i upload trough Aplication Loader, and use Testflight app do download my app!
- There is also another people with same problem, C++ + ARM6 and ARMv7 crash at launch, i hope to fix it soon!
- For the moment i remove all c++ things from my project and come back to blueprint only.
- I will do some test soon, and i will let message
Hey .
Distribution Certificate and Provisions: These are a separate set of certifications and provisions that you need to actually distribute your game on the iTunes Store. When you build for shipping using these you will need to make sure your Bundle ID is set up the same way you set the Provisions when you are signed into your Apple Developer account.
Do we have any tutorials regarding this? or any docs. .Please advise me …