Hi, i’m looking into implementing a lobby for a multiplayer project. I recently watched the latest (16th June) Twitch broadcast in which Josh talks about seamless travel and the use of the transition map. Would you be able to expand on this a little for me?
Can the map that’s due to be loaded after the TransitionMap be overridden? For example, during a map vote? Would simply calling SetSeamlessTravelMidpointPause(true) after the initial ServerTravel(UrlString), followed by another ServerTravel(UrlString) if the map vote has changed the pending map handle all this? Or would that result in the transition level being loaded again? EDIT: Reading over ‘FSeamlessTravelHandler::StartTravel’ it looks likes this case is handled (L3935)
Does the server still maintain all its server functionality during the TransitionMap stage? For example if a player wishes to change team or type, or are PlayerStates frozen until the SeamlessTravel is complete or does everything still work as if it was a normal game?
Should the TransitionMap Lobby have its own unique ‘Lobby’ GameMode? Or is their a better way of doing this?
Would the TransitionMap be used as the startup map when hosting a game and waiting for new player?
Does SeamlessTravel allow for new players to connect during the TransitionMap stage? Ideally i’d like to think during TransitionMap with SetSeamlessTravelMidpointPause(true), everything related to SeamlessTravel is on hold and it’s running a normal game. Would that be a correct way to look at it?