Usage scenarios for PostProcessInput1?

When creating a post process material there is an option in SceneTexture node to select as output PostProcessInput1-6. It’s stated it’s “usually not used”. It’s very intriguing. What’s it for and in what scenarios it should or could be used? And how?


I have been wondering the same thing for a while and can’t figure it out either! Any insight will be very appreciated.

All I can find so far is from here

Replacing the Tonemapper:

PostProcessInput0 provides the HDR scene color, PostProcessInput1 has the SeparateTranslucency (Alpha is mask), PostprocessInput2 has the low resolution bloom input.

I can’t speak for PostProcessInput2 and over, but I’ve been using PostProcessInput1 to grab the two SeparateTranslucency buffers which (as far as I know) specifically targets materials with Blend Mode: Translucent. ‘Separate Translucency RGB’ and ‘Separate Translucency Alpha’ can normally be viewed through the viewport’s Buffer Visualization.