Hey JonathanADaley,
If you change Collision Settings of your Actor. You can make NavMesh ignore mesh. Look under Collision in Details Tab of Sphere. Then change Collision Response for Pawn & Vehicle to Overlap. It can also be set to Ignore, but you want Overlap Events to occur. Preview attached! Let me know if that resolves your issue!
Also for Child, Disable Collision.
In my game I am spawning Static Meshes into map during gameplay. These Static Meshes are in child Blueprints; parent Blueprint class has an arrow component and a Sphere component… I want player pawn to be able to path through these Static Meshes, as they are pickups,. Right now though, player character is pathing around pickups. Is there a way to have a Static Mesh be completely ignored by NavMesh, so that my player character will be able to path through pickups? Note: I am using Top Down Template.
SilentX, Thanks for response. I tried setting collision to how you showed it, as well as setting everything but Pawn and Vehicle to Ignore (with leaving Pawn and Vehicle on Overlap). I also disabled collision on Static Mesh assets, and made sure there are no collision primitives set in Static Mesh. I’m still having same issue. I also had Set Actor Enable Collision node setup in a child’s Construction Script; no dice. I may be able to just leave this in game and use a Sphere Component to check for overlap with player pawn. But for future reference I’d still like to know how to have Static Meshes ignored during Navigation.
Hey Jonathan,
If you set your Mesh component inside your Blueprint to Overlap All, that should be all you need. You’ll need to make sure there isn’t any collision set to Block pawn on any other components as well. One last thing to check is in expanded section of Collision Settings for each component: disable Can Ever Affect Navigation.
If that doesn’t work, please provide some screenshots showing your collision settings for each element of Blueprint (as well as Component hierarchy) and we’ll see if we can figure out what’s causing problem for you.
Thank you for your answer . I tried changing Collision settings in both base Blueprint and Child Blueprints, and also disabled Can Ever Affect Navigation; but Pawn is still pathing around Static Meshes. I’ve attached screenshots of Component hierarchy and Collisions settings for both Base Blueprint and Child Blueprint. Thanks in advance for your help on this.
Pickup Base Blueprint - Components & Collision settings
Pickup Child Blueprint - Components & Collision settings
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I am using Top-Down template. I haven’t made any changes to how click-to-move part of character controller works; I’ve just added on some nodes after Move To Location function.
Thinking of spawning, that may be issue. pickups are spawned in by another Blueprint, which contains a Movable Static Mesh, which I set up so player would path around it. Movable Static Mesh is a rotating crate, which pickup is ostensibly contained within; player can shoot crate and it blows up. When it ‘blows up’ crate spawns in pickup, and then crate destroys itself.
Is it possible navigation isn’t being updated when Movable Static Mesh is destroyed? So reason player is pathing around pickup is that it still things Movable Static Mesh that spawned pick up is still there? If so, is there a way to update navigation during gameplay?
Hey Jonathan,
I set up an Actor Blueprint for my PickupParent Class, made a child of that for my PickupChild, and set each up as you have described above but have not reproduced issue you’re seeing. That makes me think it’s something outside Blueprints’ collision. How are you spawning them in? Would you mind showing me EventGraph for Blueprint that spawns them, and let me know if it’s Level Blueprint or not?
I have been assuming you are using Top-Down template for this. Is that correct? Have you made any changes to click-to-move part of character controller?
If you have time, would you mind creating a new project and attempting to reproduce same issue there? Thanks!
Figured it out! When I changed collision of Blueprint that spawns Pickup to be Overlap (save for Trace Responses being set to Block), then my player no longer paths around pickup. only drawback is that they no longer path around crates, but that shouldn’t be an issue with our gameplay. Thanks for your help!
You’re welcome, glad you got it working!