Hi everyone, Our project has been meet this issus many days, can’t fix it, I think it’s totally a BUG.
We have two projects TestDLC and AssetsLibrary that we want to make a DLC pak file(Maps, Materials, Blueprints) from AssetsLibrary. and then TestDLC will mount that pak file when needed. After that we call function OpenLevel to open a map in pak file and issus appear, materials or textures in a mess.
All materials textures are certain fine
On camera close to a mesh that it’s material will deranged.
texture looks like reference to a wrong texture asset.
I just want to make sure I understand what you’re attempting to do. Inside the AssetLibrary project you have a number of assets as well as a level that shows the assets in the level. First you create a pak file from AssetLibrary that includes the assets as well as the level. You then unload the pak file in the TestDLC project and open the level that was unloaded, and that you’re seeing errors in the assets in this level after opening, correct? If you open this level in the editor rather than during play do you still see these visual errors in the viewport? Are there any errors if you have the level open in the editor and press play (rather than traveling to the level)?
Thanks for reply!, You are fully understand what wo doing, ok. i will answer you’re question first, whether viewport or play(PIE) in AssetsLibrary that it’s all good, but not working on TestDLC.
I’am into a new progress that what i found is materials ok(without textures, just color), but textures in a mess, i’m going to post two pictures show the issus
We appreciate your patience in waiting for a response. So in order to determine if this is a bug or not, we need some steps to reproduce the issue in a blank project. The DLC and PAK file process is still somewhat new to me, so I will up on the nuances to see if there is anything obvious we could be overlooking.
Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.
Thanks for follow. I have fixed that issus many days ago, i still believe it’s a bug! now we know how to avoid it. I would like tell these steps in privately. Maybe you can leave you email here.
For tracking purposes and for others who are experiencing a similar issue, we would at least like a little bit of clarity on how you resolved your issue. If you are worried about privacy, you can leave out any incriminating information so that just the bare answer remains.
If you are still worried, you can send me your response via a private message in the Forums and I can pick parts of your answer that would help others.
Would you mind sending me a private message via the forums @anonymous_user_6e7b421a so I can follow your steps in order to narrow down the cause of the issue.
We have another user in the below link that is experiencing a similar issue whom you might also be able to help.