Hi, I have some issues after packaging my project, I noticed that my fps/ms count is at half as much as the game running on the editor, it happens as well if I run the game as a standalone, here are the stats from console comparing the two different versions:
This is the first time I have to deal with profiling on UE4 and I would like to see if someone can give me a hint of what can I do to improve the general fps/ms count since I really have no clue of what could be the issue.
Same issue on 4.11.2 older versions of Unreal were significantly faster when cooked. Something is afoot… In our case it got from 50-60 fps in editor on fullscreen and epic quality to 6-9 fps. Investigating the cause.
This is likely not an actual performance issue, but probably more that a setting is being overlooked. I ran some tests in 4.9.2, 4.10.4, and 4.11.2 with simple projects and saw essentially the same results that you described. However, if I turn Smooth Frame Rate off (Project Settings → General Settings → Framerate), or increase its maximum value from 60 to 120, then the FPS shown in my packaged game increased (to 120 in the latter case and to around 230 in the former case).
Please check the Smooth Frame Rate setting and try adjusting it, then let us know if that helps with the FPS shown in your packaged game.
I’m having the same issue. 4.12.3 Oculus VR project. 90fps solid in editor, but my builds are running poorly, like 45fps at times. I am sure Frame Smoothing has been turned off.
When you are developing for a VR platform, you should expect that your frame rate will be roughly half of what you are seeing when running your project in PIE. This is because your game is being rendered twice in the HMD, once for each eye. If you want to be getting 60+fps in the HMD, you will want to be reaching at least 120fps in PIE.
In my case it is running fine in HMD inside Play In Editor (160fps+) , how is a compiled version running slower? The editor is driving both frames as is the compiled app. It should be the same, no?
The settings a different when using an HMD and Running In Editor compared to the default build settings.
Assuming you want to build for HTC Vive or Oculus RIFT (Quest or Go is a whole different ballgame)
Turn off “frame rate smoothening” in setting
Set a fixed rate of 90 or 100 FPS
You will have a decent result from that alone most likely.
I would do some research on all the other settings also, check oculus developers quick start for Rift