I’ve made a very simple VR project which works with my HTC Vive when using VR preview (if I run the UE4 editor with rights).
However when I try to package the project, it generates to WindowsNoEditor and I can’t figure out how to run the packaged project through the HMD/SteamVR?
When running the generated .exe, typing in ANY of the console commands returns “Command not recognised”, e.g. “Stereo On”, “HMD Enable”, “Ovrversion” etc. Makes no difference if I run the packaged .exe with admin rights.
Any ideas? Is there a command I need to pass to the CLI? An option when packaging?
The documentation you provided does not have any information targeting how to package projects to work with SteamVR/Vive. Packaged projects work as per normal with the Oculus plugged in but it appears the Vive is a whole other story/process to go through to get it to work.
Besides the information where packaged projects work the same with SteamVR as they do Oculus, is there any additional information that you noticed was missing from our documentation? I can always submit a request to have our documentation team update the page.
It’s working for me now! A few things seemed to help:
Restarting and making sure nothing was running with rights
Making sure SteamVR was running and Ready before starting the built .exe
When SteamVR is not running, “Stereo on” returns “Command not recognised”. When SteamVR is running and “Ready”, it works as expected.
I don’t even need to run the .exe with the -fullscreen switch, or press Alt-Enter; it’s fine to just put a new Run Console Command “Stereo on” in the Event BeginPlay of the Game Mode.