[Bug] Steam - Testing Packaged Game Multiplayer, Cant Connect with 480. Lots of Logs for You

Dear Friends at Epic,


I am using the setup of having an independent server to list available games, including the ip and steam socket # of the game in the online listing, using Sagittarius by William Gaul.

So I am not using the steam advertising service, I am using open steam.# and obtaining the connection # thanks to help of Josh :slight_smile:

#Using Packaged Game Instances With Steam

I packaged my game for testing steam integration,

and I found out the following

  • using 480 as app id does not seem to allow two people to connect using two different steam accounts

  • trying to use known IP address with steam enabled still does not work, cannot connect using open IP if steam net driver is in use

  • using -nosteam in commandline for both instances of the game, on different computers, STILL does not allow them to connect using open IP

#Steam Not Working with 480 AppId

As you can see from the log, I am actually calling open steam.# with the correct number,

the IP shows up as,

not sure if that is normal

but the big issue is the connection just does not occur

this never happened to me in UE3 using open steam.#

the # is obtained from


note the line

[0009.04][401]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561197960480268//Game/Maps/Victory

in the logs below, showing the steam.# is being obtained correctly

Steam 480 Not Connecting Logs

I am only including parts cause its long

Log file open, 11/21/13 10:30:46
LogLoad:  Loading PreInit Modules: 0.00 seconds
LogLoad:  Loading Game Modules: 0.00 seconds
LogGenericPlatformMisc: Culture is EN-US
LogInit: Version: 1904627
LogInit: Compiled (64-bit): Nov  6 2013 12:31:24
LogInit: Build Configuration: Development
LogInit: Branch Name: UE4-Rocket/Beta5
LogInit: Command line: -pak -log
LogInit: Base directory: E:/VictoryPackaged/WindowsNoEditor/VictoryGame/Binaries/Win64/
[0000.49][  1]LogInit: Computer: VICTORY
[0000.49][  1]LogInit: User: Rama
[0000.49][  1]LogInit: CPU Page size=4096, Cores=4
[0000.49][  1]LogInit: High frequency timer resolution =3.515654 MHz
[0000.49][  1]LogInit: Memory total: Physical=7.9GB (8GB approx) Pagefile=15.8GB Virtual=8192.0GB
[0000.49][  1]LogLoad:  Platform Initialization: 0.00 seconds
[0000.57][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam Client API initialized 1
[0000.57][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam User is subscribed 1
[0000.57][  1]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Initializing Steam Game Server IP: 0x00000000 Port: 7777 SteamPort: 7778 QueryPort: 27015
[0000.64][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
[0000.64][  1]LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
[0000.65][  1]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Created thread (ID:2832).

shows steam loading correctly

and in game I see the steam pop up come up

Here are the two or 3 successive attempts using open steam.# with correct number of other player who is hosting the game

    [0002.01][  1]LogPlayerController: ClientRestart_Implementation WarriorBP_C_0
    [0002.01][  1]LogPlayerController: ServerAcknowledgePossession_Implementation WarriorBP_C_0
    [0002.01][  1]LogLoad:  Loading URL /Game/Maps/Victory?Name=Player: 0.27 seconds
    [0002.02][  2]LogInit:Display: Game Engine Initialized.
    [0002.02][  2]LogLoad: UGameEngine::Init: 0.60 seconds
    [0002.02][  2]LogModuleManager:Warning: ModuleManager: Module 'AutomationWorker' not found - it's StaticallyLinkedModuleInitializers function is null.
    [0002.02][  2]LogLoad: Full Startup: 2.02 seconds (BP compile: 0.00 seconds)
    [0002.04][  2]LogAssetRegistry: FAssetRegistry took 0.000059 seconds to start up
    [0002.12][  4]LogRenderer:Warning: Reallocating scene render targets to support 1280x960.
    [0002.91][ 23]LogSkinnedMeshComp:Warning: GetSocketByName(): No SkeletalMesh for CharacterMesh0
    [0002.91][ 23]LogSkinnedMeshComp:Warning: GetSocketByName(): No SkeletalMesh for CharacterMesh0
    [0002.91][ 23]LogVisual:Display: Binding DragonHumanBP_C_0 to log PinkStorage_0
    [0009.04][401]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561197960480268//Game/Maps/Victory
    [0009.04][401]LogNet:Display: SteamNetDriver_0 bound to port 7777
    [0009.04][401]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 10000
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: SteamNetConnection_0: Dumping Steam P2P connection details:
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 0.016
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0009.06][402]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 34, QueuedPackets: 1
    [0009.25][415]LogStreaming:Warning: Failed to open ANSI TEXT file E:/VictoryPackaged/WindowsNoEditor/VictoryGame/Saved/HardwareSurvey/dxdiag.txt
    [0009.27][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display: FSynthBenchmark (V0.91):
    [0009.27][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display: ===============
    [0009.27][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display: Main Processor:
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:          ... 0.017734 s/Run 'RayIntersect'
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:          ... 0.019785 s/Run 'Fractal'
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   CompiledTarget_x_Bits: 64
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   UE_BUILD_SHIPPING: 0
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   UE_BUILD_TEST: 0
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   UE_BUILD_DEBUG: 0
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   GPhysicalGBRam: 8
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   NumberOfCores: 4
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   CPU Perf Index 0: 144.4
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   CPU Perf Index 1: 144.6
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display: Graphics:
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   Adapter Name: 'NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680' (On Optimus it might be wrong, memory should be ok)
    [0009.65][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:   GPU Memory: 1995/0/2048 MB
    [0009.66][416]LogSynthBenchmark:Display:          ... Total Time: 0.382267 sec
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 2.047
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0011.09][500]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 116, QueuedPackets: 10
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 5.047
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0014.09][686]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 242, QueuedPackets: 25
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 8.047
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0017.09][872]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 368, QueuedPackets: 40
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: SteamNetConnection_0: Dumping Steam P2P connection details:
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 10.028
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0019.07][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 452, QueuedPackets: 50
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 11.062
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0020.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 494, QueuedPackets: 55
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 14.063
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0023.10][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 620, QueuedPackets: 70
    [0024.09][989]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: FOnlineAsyncEventSteamConnectionFailed RemoteId: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C] Reason: '4' k_EP2PSessionErrorTimeout (Timeout)
    [0024.09][989]LogNet: Close PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 SteamNetConnection_0 76561197960480268:7777 11/21/13 10:31:10
    [0024.09][989]LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 15.047
    [0024.11][989]LogNet: NetworkFailure: PendingConnectionFailure, Error: 'Your connection to the host has been lost.'
    [0024.11][989]LogNet: DestroyNamedNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 [PendingNetDriver]
    [0024.11][989]LogExit: PendingNetDriver SteamNetDriver_0 shut down
    [0024.11][989]LogNet:Warning: Network Failure: PendingNetDriver[PendingConnectionFailure]: Your connection to the host has been lost.
    [0062.23][989]LogNet: UNetConnection::CleanUp() calling Close()
    [0062.23][989]LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 9999.000
    [0062.24][989]LogNet: UNetConnection::CleanUp() calling Close()
    [0062.24][989]LogOnline: STEAM: Removing P2P Session Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 9999.000
    [0100.54][190]LogNet: Browse: steam.76561197960480268//Game/Maps/Victory
    [0100.54][190]LogNet:Display: SteamNetDriver_1 bound to port 7777
    [0100.54][190]LogNet: Game client on port 7777, rate 10000
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: SteamNetConnection_1: Dumping Steam P2P connection details:
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 0.016
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0100.56][191]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 34, QueuedPackets: 1
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 0.599
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0101.14][228]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 38, QueuedPackets: 3
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 3.615
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0104.16][415]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 164, QueuedPackets: 18
    [0107.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0107.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 6.631
    [0107.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0107.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0107.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0107.18][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 292, QueuedPackets: 34
    [0110.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0110.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 9.631
    [0110.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0110.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0110.18][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0110.18][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 418, QueuedPackets: 49
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: SteamNetConnection_1: Dumping Steam P2P connection details:
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 10.016
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- ConnectionActive: 0, Connecting: 1, SessionError: 0, UsingRelay: 0
    [0110.56][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- QueuedBytes: 454, QueuedPackets: 51
    [0113.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Dumping Steam P2P socket details:
    [0113.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C], IdleTime: 12.631
    [0113.17][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: - Detailed P2P session info:
    [0113.18][501]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: -- IPAddress:
    [0113.  - log ended here cause I exited

#Steam Host is Getting the Connection Requests

The other person, who was hosting the steam game, was indeed receiving my client connection requests

His steam popup was actually occurring too, so steam was working, plus the logs below:

Additionally, his Server game port # was being posted correctly to my independent server, by his game instance, so I know his steam was working

[0001.21][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam Client API initialized 1
[0001.21][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam User is subscribed 1
[0001.21][  1]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Initializing Steam Game Server IP: 0x00000000 Port: 7777 SteamPort: 7778 QueryPort: 27015
[0002.01][  1]LogOnline: STEAM: Steam Game Server API initialized 1
[0002.01][  1]LogInit: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
[0002.03][  1]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Created thread (ID:8348).


[0324.23][797]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Client connection request Id: [unknown] [0x1100001049375A8]
[0415.72][451]LogOnline:Verbose: STEAM: Client connection request Id: [unknown] [0x1100001049375A8]

#STEAM: - Id: [unknown] [0x11000010003460C]

is this the part most relevant?

aslo seen in the client connection attempts?

STEAM: Client connection request Id: [unknown] [0x1100001049375A8]

Hi Rama,

Apologies for the delayed response. We have kept this open during ongoing testing and updates. On our current internal build, the 480 ID is now accepted for packaged builds, and we do not experience any Steam connectivity issues. This is not expected to be an issue in future releases.


oooh woow!

I will switch my configs over to 480 right now!

#Thanks Stephen!

PS: for other people’s reference:



Hi Rama,

We have been investigating all of the Steam issues, but I am looking for clarification on something.

I was under the impression that you were not successful in getting SteamDevAppId=480 to properly accept the 480 value by the application? Indeed, this has been our result as well when testing with Beta 5.

You say in this post that you successfully use 480 (if so, what steps did you take to accomplish this?), but in the logs, I am not seeing the AppID = 480 which I expect.

Please be aware that we are not testing with Sagittarius as we do not provide support for it.


“Please be aware that we are not testing with Sagittarius as we do not provide support for it.”

That’s perfectly fine by me, the core of what I am trying to get working has nothing to do with Sagittarius,

it is simply this

console->“open steam.#” where number is found via

//The Critical Steam Socket # Thing
	FORCEINLINE FString GetSteamSocket()
		UWorld * TheWorld = GetWorld();
		if (!TheWorld) return "";
		//Net Driver?
		UNetDriver * VictoryNet = TheWorld->GetNetDriver();
		if(!VictoryNet) return "";
		//Online sub?
		IOnlineSubsystem* OnlineSub = IOnlineSubsystem::Get();
		if(!OnlineSub) return "";
		IOnlineSessionPtr Sessions = NULL;
		if (OnlineSub)
			Sessions = OnlineSub->GetSessionInterface();
		if (!Sessions.IsValid()) return "";
		//Try steam socket
		FString TheSteamSocket = VictoryNet->LowLevelGetNetworkNumber();
		if(TheSteamSocket == "") return "";
		return TheSteamSocket;

#Clarifying 480

When I was saying that I got 480 to work, I mean that I got 480 to not instantly crash my packaged game to desktop upon trying to load my game.

Initially, because I had not included OnlinesubsystemSteam in my Build.cs target thing, I was getting crashes trying to use the Epic Dev Steam number or the Steam test 480.

My only “success” report regarding 480 was that I could actually load my game at all without crashes :slight_smile:

I have never succeeded in getting two packaged games to connect with steam running (different people’s steam accoutns of course and different computers)

You seem to be corroborating this experience with your own 480 tests

Thanks for your help Stephen!

I am very excited about getting Steam finally working!




