C4D Smoothing Groups inconsistent

Two meshes from C4D exported with 2013 FBX (7.3)

Both FBX’s give this warning when importing…

Warning Warning: No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the ‘Export Smoothing Groups’ option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file. Even for tools that don’t support smoothing groups, the FBX Exporter will generate appropriate smoothing data at export-time so that correct vertex normals can be inferred while importing.

The Sphere though seems to come in correctly (edges split in a strip around the middle).

The Cylinder though has hard edges only around its caps, the tube of the cylinder should be smooth. No amount of recalculating tangents and/or normals seems to fix it.

I have attached the FBX’s in ASCII format.

[link text][2]

I’m having exactly the same problem and can’t seem to find an answer, any joy yet?

'fraid not no.

Out of interest, what version of c4d are you using?

Cinema4D R16 , Same problem.
In UDK i can import with smouthing edges if i tic “explicit normals”, but in UE4 this option is not available.
Some have a tricks for that?

yeah I’m using R16 too, might test to see if I get the same results from R15. I am aware of the “Explicit Normals” option in UDK and have searched for something similar in UE4, I’ve found nothing. I’m wondering if there is a 3rd party Plugin for exporting FBX’s for C4D, but seen as R16 is so new, I doubt it :frowning:

Yes! i’ll report back to maxon and let them know :smiley:

Right !
I just trying to export my mesh from C4D R15 to UE4 and i have smouthing edges.
I mean it’s a issue with R16. :confused:
Waiting for patch, and rollback to R15 …

@ BEEF DOCTOR : I know this isn’t your original post or meshes in the FBX but this does look to be an issue with C4D’s export or something may not be smoothed correctly before export. I’ve imported the attached FBX files into 3Ds Max and can see that the smoothing groups are not a UE4 issue.

Thank you!


Actually it is fixed now with R16’s 2014 FBX exporter. I didn’t realise how long ago I posted the original bug.

Really? because I haven’t had any updates for R16

Cheers @Tim Hobson :diamonds::diamonds: but if you read the above posts we already figured out that it’s an export problem with C4D R16, because R15 seems to export fine :smiley:

Those files I originally exported maybe from R15 as FBX 2013 - it was a while ago :). today I exported them from R16 as FBX 2014 and they imported fine.

@Anadin: Thanks for getting back! Glad this works now.

@BEEF DOCTOR: I was assigned the bug to make sure it got cleared out. Just wanted to check in and make sure that the issue was still not happening, especially since I do not have access to C4D (Only Max and Blender on my machine) it’s hard to test something like this without the communities willingness to help sometimes! :slight_smile:

cheers buddy, keep up the good work :slight_smile:

Can you tell me a bit more about your settings, I can’t seem to get importing to work without the smoothing group error. I tried with R16 and FBX 2014. Is there some other things ive missed?

EDIT - After playing around with the settings for a few hours I was unable to import with no errors. No matter what I tried in R16 faceting was on all my models. I tried some simple models in R15 and the faceting went away. To confirm this is a issue with R16 I saved out a model and opened it in R15 to export and it worked in UE4 with no faceting. You can see the faceting on the capsule in the back the rest were test from C4D R15

When you export from cinema 4d r16, don’t use FBX 2014 “The UE4 FBX import pipeline uses FBX 2013”, this may help but for the time being I’m sticking with C4D R15.

UE4 uses FBX 2014 now, which actual version number of R16 do you have?

I am using C4D R16.027 and UE4 - 4.5.0-0+UE4.

Could you post a sample c4d scene or the exact options you pick exporting/importing?

Since the update to UE4.5 I’m getting faceting on FBX’s from R15 now, this is getting really annoying now, I should be focusing on my materials and functionality but i’m too busy ■■■■■■■ around trying to get models to import correctly :frowning: