How can i get the properties of instance in Foliage?

I want get location of the instance member in Foliage.
This is what I selected foliage in viewport and launch my function then return the instance’s location.

this is my code:

AActor* TargetActor = NULL;
AInstancedFoliageActor*	CurrentIFA = NULL;

FString TargetName;
FString TargetLocation;

for (FSelectionIterator It(*GEditor->GetSelectedActors()); It; ++It)
	TargetActor = static_cast<AActor*>(*It);
	//CurrentIFA = static_cast<AInstancedFoliageActor*>(*It);
	//CurrentIFA = (AInstancedFoliageActor*)TargetActor;
	//CurrentIFA = Cast<AInstancedFoliageActor*>(*It);
	if (TargetActor)
		TargetName = TargetActor->GetName();
		TargetLocation = TargetActor->GetActorLocation().ToString();

		UE_LOG(ToolButtonModuleLog, Warning, TEXT("Name: %s, Location: %s"), *(TargetName), *(TargetLocation));

This code is only can get the Actor’s properties.
I was selected a Foliage launch my code then return <0, 0, 0> location. just one location.
I want each of the instance properties inside Foliage.

How can i get this.?
I was search in internet so many times but i can’t anymore.
help me plz.

I’ve been looking for an answer on this as well, there is nothing!