Is HRTF (positional sound) working in 4.8.1?

I can’t seem to find documentation anywhere outside of a forum post that instructed:

  1. Open up a new Unreal 4.8 project
  2. Go to the Window (tab at the top) >> Plugins >> Audio >> Oculus Audio Plug >> click on the ‘Enable’ tab
  3. Reopen the Unreal 4.8 project
  4. In the ‘Content Browser’ select ‘Import’ and import a wav file
  5. Drag your .wav into the editor
  6. Now in your ‘Content Browser’ right-click go to ‘Sounds’ and create ‘New Sound Attenuation’
  7. Double-click on the ‘Sound Attenuation’ you just created
  8. Check off ‘Spatialize’ and ‘Spatialization Algorithm’ should be set to ‘spatialization HRTF’
  9. Now double-click on the ‘Audio Component’ you had thrown into the scene
  10. Under it’s ‘Details’ tab look for and enable ‘Allow Spatialization’
  11. Then under that where it says ‘Attenuation Settings’ choose the attenuation component you just created.
  12. Make sure you’re using a MONO sound source. I just spent two hours on this with a Stereo file duh!
    Now as you walk around and away from the audio source it should smoothly transition around your head.

Is this accurate? I haven’t had any luck getting it to work.


hmmmm… is this too hard of a question or is this place a ghost town?

Turns out HRTF is only halfway implemented in UE4. It was working just not very well. You may want to switch to stereo until they do more work on it or launch their new audio engine. …or switch engines. :wink: