Different results between PIE and Standalone

I have a problem where my map generator works properly in PIE, but not standalone. There a few tens of megabytes of blueprints that I will have to sift through to narrow this down.

Latest UE4 build.
No C++
3rd party plugin disabled.

I don’t think sharing more details is relevant at this point, but if I narrow it down to a specific cast, array, etc then I will share that here.

So my question right now is, under what circumstances are PIE and Standalone different? Are there currently any known problems or is the source still unknown? What should I be looking for when tracking down this issue?

Ok, I figured out what is causing the problem, and it is definitely a bug.

I have a struct that I created in blueprint. It has 6 Int members.

In one BP, I fill an array of this struct with info, and then I spawn a BP and feed that into it’s exposed variable.

In PIE, this works fine, and the struct has 200 members on both sides of the spawn.

In standalone, the struct array has 200 members in the main BP, and 0 members in the spawned BP. The info is not getting passed in standalone mode.

Hi Zeustiak,

Could you post a few screenshots showing exactly how you are filling the struct, spawning the bp, and feeding that into the variable?

Here is a pic of the process. Step 4 was only put in when I realized things were out of whack in the standalone version.

Thank you for the report and the additional screenshots. I was able to reproduce this behavior in 4.7.6, however it is fixed in our latest internal build. You will see this working properly in a future update.

As for a workaround, the one you posted above works quite well.



Hey guys,

I’ve been hanging on a different thread → https://answers.unrealengine.com/questions/222131/help-please-packaged-game-crashes-but-works-in-edi.html following about a similar problem.

Can you point me to any documentation or tutorials or anything at all for how to be able to figure out where the problem is in your standalone? having the same issue (works in PIE, not in standalone) and really getting desperate to try to figure out the solution.

Many thanks -
