i’m trying to use my own style to build an HUD. I followed how it was done in the ShooterGame and StrategyGame. I got it working with some STextBlock and put a bunch of letter within a grid in the center of the screen, toggling it on and off with a keyboard event. Now i’m trying to change those STextBlock into a custom widget with a Picture, its basically the same as the button widget from the StrategyGame.
I explained in details in the forum : Slate Style path crash the editor - C++ - Epic Developer Community Forums
Since then I tried many things and simplify the code as much as possible in order to identify my problem. As soon as i access any ressource with a “GetBrush” or “GetFontStyle” the editor crash instantly and all i get in the log is :
[2014.03.31-05.52.09:735][655]LogWindows: === Critical error: === [2014.03.31-05.52.09:735]
[655]LogWindows: Fatal error!
i added my last log : log
and the dump file : dump
If i just comment those calls everything work, but obviously with no pictures. I’m pertty much stuck, i tried many many things for hours, looking at different sources from example and within the editor. That style class always seems to be more or less the same so i can’t find out what i’m doing wrong.
Thanks for your help !