PlatformerPrototype\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Inc\PlatformerPrototype\PlatformerPrototype.generated.inl(15): error C2220: warning treated as error - no ‘object’ file generated
PlatformerPrototype\Intermediate\Build\Win64\Inc\PlatformerPrototype\PlatformerPrototype.generated.inl(15): warning C4273: ‘ACustomCharacter::StaticRegisterNativesACustomCharacter’ : inconsistent dll linkage
platformerprototype\source\platformerprototype\CustomCharacter.h(18) : see previous definition of ‘StaticRegisterNativesACustomCharacter’
The above is the error/warnings I get when I try to build. I wanted to use Character.cpp, but with a different collision component (box instead of capsule), so I used the Add New Code to Project function to add a new class (child of Pawn), then copied and pasted Character.cpp/h into the new class, making modifications as necessary to remove references to capsule code.