I have a particle system which “Initial Location” component’s “Start Location” is parameterized. I am spawning particles inside certain volume, and I need to be able to change this volume from a Blueprint. The problem is that I don’t understand how this is supposed to be working: How can I change “Vector” and “Vector Low” values if I refer to the parameter via “Set Vector Parameter”, which only takes name and one vector as an input? I can make this work in the editor, by manually changing the values, but not through Blueprint.
I was able to do the thing above by accessing Instance Parameters directly, e.g. I get the ParticleSysParam struct from the array, modify it, and set it back into the array. Is this a safe way to do this?
Hey mikat -
Currently that is the only direct way to control the uniform distribution like you are describing, I have put in a request for our engineers to expose this functionality to blueprints and allow an uniform distribution with two vectors in blueprints.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Where can I get access to this array?
1 year and some months later still there is no way to do this
This is my first post, i’m very new so maybe i made some horrible mistakes please doublecheck everything. Also i posses a poor english. That being said, i was able to do it in the way mikat was able to do it.
You need the same things as before(a get reference to the particle system), now from your get reference you drag out and look for a “set istance parameters”, keep it aside for now, it will set all the parameters once we have made the elements of this array.
Now, you can’t use “add” to give this array new elments, instead you will use “Set members in particleSysParam”. You see this node on the left has “Struct Ref”, drag from it and look for “Make ParticleSysParam”.
This is the node that allow you to set the params more or less like the editor. You stack “set members in parrticlesysparam” as much as needed, when you are done make a array out of every “set members in paticlesysparam” and give it to “Set istance parameters”. It should work, i havent still tested if everything work well, but at very least is working like the normal way of setting particles param
I give you a shot on my blueprint, hope it can be of help, it’s a for loop that set all the parameters for a array of particles systems(basically the thrusters of the ship) according to various stuff.
See ya!
It worked perfectly, thanks!
Looks like nothing has changed in 2017 either…
But hey, let’s welcome all the VR gimmicky stuff.