ERROR: Couldn't find module rules file for module 'nvTriStrip'

When trying to rebuild the project files for my project it fails on one of my modules sighting that it can’t find one of my dependencies children.

ERROR: Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of LootSystem
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AssetTools
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of CurveAssetEditor
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of UnrealEd
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of AnimGraph
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of GraphEditor
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of KismetWidgets
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of BlueprintGraph
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of KismetCompiler
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of MovieSceneTools
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Sequencer
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of PropertyEditor
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of Documentation
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of ContentBrowser
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of MainFrame
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of LevelEditor
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of WorldBrowser
Exception thrown while processing dependent modules of MeshUtilities
ERROR: Couldn't find module rules file for module 'nvTriStrip'

If I comment out AssetTools it will build, but I require those for a Factory I’m trying to setup.

I have recently moved onto a new PC as well as updating from 4.4 to 4.5, so I’m unsure of where the problem will be coming from.

After more working on this, I’ve split my LootSystem module into two (added a LootSystemEditor) and cleaned up the UnrealEd dependencies to just the editor module. I also discovered an UnrealEd dependency on my main game module that I was experimenting with a while back. Once these were all properly laid out, the problem has been resolved.

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