random flicker from Single Blueprint

Hi, I have a blueprint with a point light in it set up to cycle through a timeline to create a “constant flicker”. Problem is that when I put more than one in a single scene they play the timeline at the same time and pulse all the same. Can anyone tell me how to either do this better, or create a random flicker delay so they don’t all flicker at the same time?

How about this snazzy Light Function?


Actor with a light

Image from Gyazo

It’s nice this way because when bulbs flicker it’s not really a sharp off/on. It’s a quick falloff transition and this is simulated here; and quite efficiently, too.

Also if you want to use your method, start the Timeline on Begin Play (Tick executes every frame, so that’s wasted performance) but add a random Delay before it starts.

I actually went with the second way you suggested. I do like the 1st way though. Maybe I can use it elsewhere in the project :slight_smile: Thanks!

Timeline would be great if you wanted light to flicker in a very specific manner to building up to a jump scare in a horror game, for example.

Noice! Thanks for the info!