Unreal Engine Livestream - Building Better Blueprints - October 4th - Live from Epic HQ


Tasked with assembling a tech demo for some new features, Zak needed to create a slider our team could adjust in game, allowing them to modify other Blueprints. While thinking he would build upon the existing sliders in the Content Examples, it turns out, those sliders, while functional for what they are, were assembled a LONG time ago and don’t really reflect any our best practices.

So now we’re going to rebuild them, live! This time, we’ll take a look at some standard best practices for Blueprint including functionality ownership, intelligent ticking, and Blueprint communication, all while avoiding the need to simulate the interaction with physics. The end result will be smoother, more predictable, more efficient, and will hopefully show you some new ways to think about Blueprints!

Thursday, October 4th @ 2:00PM ET - Countdown


Zak Parrish - Sr DevRel Technical Artist - @ZakParrish](https://twitter.com/ZakParrish)
Tim Slager - Community Manager - @Kalvothe
Amanda Bott - Community Manager - @amandambott](http://twitter.com/amandambott)



This’ll be good. Wonder what new features the tech demo was for?

A Stream with Zak is always good & always learn something new. Awesome!

I agree with frank on the 2nd point, it would be nice if it were input independent (mouse, gamepad, vr input). Too bad I’ll miss it.

Hey folks,

Due to inclement weather, today’s Unreal Engine livestream is CANCELLED. We’re sorry! We’ll reschedule Building Better Blueprints, so be on the look out, and we’ll catch you next week.

Can we get a video of Zak skating on ice instead? I bet he does a killer pirouette!

■■■■ you crazy southern weather! Look forward to seeing it soon!

take care guys!

I am really excited for this one! Stupid weather… I hope it gets scheduled again soon!

Me too! It was perfect timing! I was planning to use the sliders and buttons from the Content Examples in a new prototype tomorrow! Will this be next week?
Thanks for updating us on the situation, and I wish you all well in the weather!

Cmon man; I miss Zak’s wisdom =
Don’t cancel this again please.

Looking forward to see it :slight_smile:

Just let Zak stream from home, on a serious note, looking forward to it !

I see there will be a different live stream about animation tomorrow. Will the “better blueprint” live stream still be happening sometime?

It’s tentatively scheduled for the 15th, barring any conflicts with Zak’s schedule.

Thank you. Looking forward to it!

is there any plan to make this happen in future ?

Yes! It’ll be post-GDC. Will follow up here once we figure out a good date.

any new informations on it :slight_smile: ?

any ideas on the date yet?