Xcode "Clean Project" causes Shared UE4Editor.app binary to be deleted

From the past experience, I can tell, as developer, we do not need to clean at all. I was used to clean for macOS and iOS dev, but, after realizing that unreal build system is on its own and different from Apple’s build system, I learned to not clean for unreal projects. To my understanding, since Epic cannot control how Xcode works, I don’t think this setback will improve. Also, since I started to use Rider (tech preview version), I’ve never looked back.

We are in 2022 and this issue still happens with UE 4.27.2 and Xcode 13.2.1.

I lost my ue4engine app!

I think its because I did a clean project also, how can we fix? do I need to rebuild the engine again?

I have a source build