WITH_EDITOR vs WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA - need clarification


It’s been few months I didn’t code in C++ with the engine, and I forgot some of the preprocessors stuffs.

Can comeone explain me what are the difference between WITH_EDITOR vs WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA?

From what I can get in the engine source is that “WITH_EDITOR” is stricly related to the build “*Editor” like “DevelopmentEditor” or “DebugEditor”.
and that WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA is linked to the Target platform you want to build against.

Is this correct?

I still don’t understand why we have 2 preprocessor for this. I mean, if you want to build extra stuff for the editor, I understand that you can use the “WITH_EDITOR” one.
What’s the goal of “WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA”. In which case you want to keep fields and function specific to the editor in an non “WITH_EDITOR” version?
