back with good news.
I’m using this plugin in my prototype. 5000 running skeletons.
[video]Skelot-DesertMeteora.mp4 - Google Drive
Plugin Status:
Instances can be referenced by FSkelotInstanceHandle for gameplay purposes, something like TWeakObjectPtr
Frustum and Shadow Frustum Culling added.
its all done in FPrimitiveProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements, there is no clustering yet , its just Frustum intersection with Sphere -
Sorting instances, generating transform matrices, … now is parallel using Collector.AddTask
Demo Status:
integrated and optimized Chipmunk 2D physics engine for movement of characters. PhysX and Chaos couldn’t handle that much.
movement using ParallelFor, and quality depends on distance. (distant characters won’t get interpolated every frame)
terrain sampling is tiled and cached (not 5000 linecast per frame surely )