[PLUGIN] SKELOT - Optimized Instanced SkeletalMesh Rendering

back with good news. :slight_smile:
I’m using this plugin in my prototype. 5000 running skeletons.
[video]Skelot-DesertMeteora.mp4 - Google Drive

Plugin Status:

  • Instances can be referenced by FSkelotInstanceHandle for gameplay purposes, something like TWeakObjectPtr

  • Frustum and Shadow Frustum Culling added.
    its all done in FPrimitiveProxy::GetDynamicMeshElements, there is no clustering yet , its just Frustum intersection with Sphere

  • Sorting instances, generating transform matrices, … now is parallel using Collector.AddTask

Demo Status:

  • integrated and optimized Chipmunk 2D physics engine for movement of characters. PhysX and Chaos couldn’t handle that much.

  • movement using ParallelFor, and quality depends on distance. (distant characters won’t get interpolated every frame)

  • terrain sampling is tiled and cached (not 5000 linecast per frame surely )