Will an event dispatcher "bind" work off an event begin play?

Select node is context sensitive. It becomes what you plug into it. But you can also manually change type:

You do not even need to use it. You can have many return nodes that do different things:

It’s not an interface feature, it’s just a function feature.

Also this is the wrong node, note the colour, and note the Target Is ...:


You’re using the interface in the wrong actor. The player is the one that is interacting. And this is the exact place where having Delay + Tick makes little sense. Player presses a button and uses the item. No need to wait or constantly check anything.

The Enhanced Input has innate methods to handle how often the player can mash buttons, so you actually wouldn’t need any script. But sometimes you may want to do it manually, ofc.

Ok then, it needs to be in the TPC. I guess I will put it at the beginning of the Punch logic.

When I put it in the TPC now I can’t double click on it and get to the function within it.

It’s still not right. The interface is in the target actor you’re interacting with. You should be calling an implementation of a function in that actor. Have a look at the screencaps I posted.

Yeah, its going to take some fiddling before I get interfaces. In the meantime, I was able to get it to work again finally. What I ended up having to do was do everything within the weapon bp itself. The attach, the throw, and the drop. The problem with trying it within the actor bp before was that it was pulling to the left. And all I can figure is that when the physics turned on the characters hand or body must have clipped and threw the trajectory off. I had a delay I removed and ultimately got the drop back first then worked on the throw again.

Right now I’m trying to get it to pickup a second time and more after it has been thrown or dropped. There probably would be a point after so many throws or drops I would destroy the actor so it cannot be used again.

Thanks for all the detailed replies today, I will have to check out those pics again and try to get it working with an interface.

I will probably post in this again later after I get it more cleaned up and solid.

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