Why won't my boat hit the Seven Seas? Everything Works besides Pawn Movement... Any Help would be greatly appreciated

Hey Crew! Thanks in advance to anyone that can help me with this I’m sure it’s something I’m just looking over because I’m at my wits end of why this thing won’t MOVE!!!

The Sitch…

  • Made a boat (Skeletal Mesh)
  • Physics Body (Used Convex collision from Static mesh)
  • Made Blendspace for Direction (-175 and 175) Speed: Max 300
  • Made Animation Blueprint: All is working
  • Made Character BP and set it up as shown below:

Now it’s been a combination of tutorials and a bit of me playing around with things but the blueprint mostly works except for the life of me cannot figure out why the boat wont move. I have a print string on the movement inputs and everything is being sent through in play. But the boat is simply stuck in place. If I change to many settings everything with buoyancy and physics goes absolutely crazy its very delicate as it its stable I can walk around, spawn inside it, mount it, it floats. its animating with the ABP but wont MOVE. Here’s all the collision settings I have set up if anyone can solve this brain buster I would be forever greatfull!

So I’ve changed it to this set up and all is working well besides the skeletal mesh (Sails/Rudder/Bildge Door) Keep moving outside of the mesh when adding an Animation Blueprint.

Am I going about this all wrong? Doesn’t seem to matter what I do I can’t have Sails Moving, Buoyancy and control at the same time.

If I make a skeletal mesh Character as the scene component, I can animate it, Mount it, drive it but it wont float and I can’t get buoyancy to work and steering feels terrible compared to the static mesh option.

But, If I make a Static mesh Actor as the scene component, I can add buoyancy, mount it, drive it nicely, apply wind effects. But I can’t animate my sails without them either causing crazy collision problems with the physics actor (Static Mesh: Physics Body). Or simply ignoring the static mesh altogether and doing its own thing moving outside of the static mesh.

If anyone can help that would be great. Otherwise hopefully I can resolve the problem myself and post it to help others further into the future.