Why is my vehicle driving above the ground/collision?

it’s not working for me

of course I’ve tried everything - when my car is near the road (when it should be) then I can’t drive and it began to rotate…

Try removing any wheel bodies you may have in your physics asset. The WheeledVehicleMovementComponent should create those automatically. Also, make sure your mesh’s wheel radius and offset match your VehicleWheel radius and offset properties.

I’ve did that as well and the vehicle is on the ground but not moving. Really it can be some weird thing with mesh/code.

Iv’e tried every single option for wheels setup/phys asset/mesh skin - without result.

Will wait for Epic documentation and final vehicle implementation with this.

Can you post a screenshot of your wheel blueprint? I’m wondering if Don’t Create Shape is checked or Auto Adjust Collision Size is unchecked. In any case, I think there are a lot of vehicle improvements coming in the next release so hopefully your issue will be resolved shortly.

Wes Bunn - did you have a chance to look into the assets? Did you find anything weird?

  • Don’t Create Shape - on,
  • Auto Adjust Collision Size - off

When I did that: UE4 crash when pressed play.


Apologies, but I am still looking into what’s causing this as I’m not quite sure. Internally we are prepping the release of a new Vehicle Template which I’ve cross referenced with what you’ve set up and when using your settings with our vehicle model, I’m getting the same thing - so it doesn’t appear to be the model itself, something with the collision settings I’m assuming.


I typically have Don’t Create Shape set to False and Auto Adjust Collision Size set to True although, again, I’m not sure how relevant these settings are. It feels like there must be an errant offset in there somewhere. I’m afraid I don’t know enough to be useful at this point.

Don’t Create Shape On

Use Physics Asset

bad Work…

Model XYZ.
I now correct in this.

FBX Output…

We have the same problem as Konkretus mentioned above. But the weird point is, if we set all wheels as simulated, problems’d have been solved, but as predicted, vehicle does not move in that case. If we set wheels as kinematic, wheels go under the floor, unreal detects only body collision. Any solutions?

My car wheels go through the floor and I can’t find a fix, I been going through this for 9 days now and I really want to punch my PC right now WHAT DO I DO

Old Thread!


Check here I have provided a few steps to verify as the answer to his issue.
You will do well to be sure your wheel configuration is correct, I list the steps in that thread how to do so.

I am fairly certain your issues is also related to your wheel configuration.

I’m getting the same thing, it’s float

I hit this thread 10 times while trying to figure stuff out, so if you are looking like me this might help.

One of the tutorials I was looking over was probably dated and that’s where my problem started.

If your custom righ is mysteriously floating but collision looks right just try and check the wheel blueprint again.
The value of the wheel is Radius and not Diameter. (As it very clearly states).

The issue in depth:
Unckecking the “update collision” checkbox shows the collision where you locked it via the entered values.
That gives you the impression everything is correct, but the car won’t touch the ground because the invisible wheel asset is 2x the size it should be if you typed in a diameter instead of a radius.

Stupidest issue to have, but it drove me up a wall for 2 days thinking the issue was the FBX… hopefully this helps someone in the same boat as me from pulling out hair :stuck_out_tongue:


Add this into your vehicle BP right after Event BeginPlay, press Play, then eject and look for your physics wheel constraints. They might be lurking somewhere below.