Why is a Falling character's speed capped at 4000 units per second?

Is it possible to attach brushes to moving actors?

Thank you for this great solution, just one real quick question… I can’t seem to find the “Cast To PhysicsVolume” node from list included with the level. Does anyone know where that comes from? I tried just creating a new project with the include starter content option, and did not see it there either.

edit: the only cast to node I can select is Cast To PlayerController

Hey ra_ar,

You must pick from Array Element from the ForEachLoop node and you’ll see “Cast to PhysicsVolume”.

SilentX, that worked, thank you very much.

I hit this too. I was building a sample game with very high jumping/fast running, and I started noticing that the jump height was being dramatically reduced if I was moving very quickly when I jumped. Also, if I started moving laterally at the apex with a high value for AirControl, continuing to move would prevent most of gravity from applying, allowing me to hover and very slowly drift downwards.

At first I thought it was clamping the velocity after applying the input and gravity together, which would have had this effect, but the gravity calculation very explicitly clamps the 2D components of the vector and handles the Z axis separately. The terminal velocity clamp, however, uses all three components of the velocity vector, which distorts the Z component significantly if you are already at terminal velocity with just your X and Y velocity components. It seems kind of strange that this would work this way since the rest of the calculations treat the Z axis separately.