Why does Unreal display bones the way it does? & rant

EPIC figured out that t!ts sell and rather milks the fortnite cow with twerking terminators than focusing on developer UX. Add shiny!

:joy: About every common class like Characters, the movement component, controllers and widgets are like that, they appear modular but are overcooked molten spaghetti with 6 types of cheese on top just in case you want that, except you can’t remove them or use them as modular features.

Compared to other things I’ve seen (a lot), this for example:

[UE5.1] Sequencer curve editor not showing curves. Awful accessibility on widget animation creation.

The skeletal animation system is honestly surprisingly good. It suffers from UX hell yes, but overall it’s powerful. Just don’t use UE to create animations, use tools like Blender. Use UE to blend, write logic, IK just nothing else. Logic to c++ if you can… The ALS anim bp bloats the repo 30MB with each change just for reference, because UAssets are a shitshow. ALS is a good reference on how to animate, there is a c++ repo on github.

Can agree with this because you should always fix things at the source file, not post after import.