Why C++ for Unreal 4?


GC is probably the best thing C# really has going for it. BUT it’s not all roses either: let’s not gloss over some realities that all managed (Unity) programmers have dealt with as well: Memory leaks. In C# you either get nullrefexceptions or you leak memory. Because its a managed language, a programming mistake can often lead to leaks instead of crashing. Both behaviors are arguably wrong. And C++ doesn’t really have clear win.

You wrote a great post but I would like clarification on this point. If you search the Unity forums this is not a topic that pops up in the last couple years. Are you referring to a very long time ago? Do you mean something else? What do you mean by ‘null exceptions’?

You seem to know Mono in much more indepth than I do. So I am curious why the discrepancy on this point. Thank you

I can only agree with going the C++ route, professional game programming has been traditionally done in C++ not only because it has been for a long time but mainly for it’s performance, flexibility and low level control. With UE4 being totally C++ you can port the engine to every possible platform, with unity you have to wait until unity does the first steps.

You wrote a great post but I would like clarification on this point. If you search the Unity forums this is not a topic that pops up in the last couple years. Are you referring to a very long time ago? Do you mean something else? What do you mean by ‘null exceptions’?

You seem to know Mono in much more indepth than I do. So I am curious why the discrepancy on this point. Thank you

Hi Sandbox,

Sorry this wasn’t clear on my part. I meant that in terms of errors committed by a programmer related to memory allocations they typically fall into 2 types of end result in C#: NullRefException or memory leaks (i.e. you set some something to null but didn’t check your access in another place, for example another thread, or you aren’t releasing memory at all).

In C++ there are even more types of errors you can commit, in addition to the ones in C#, but in C++ your nullrefexception is a crash, your leaks are leaks, and then there are all sorts of cases in between, because in C++ you can release memory back into the heap without setting all your references to null. This means that in the above example you would free the memory, and then when you accessed it (this is the error committed by the prorgammer) somewhere down the line you would likely crash, since future access to the object (which was freed) may have been recycled for use as another object somewhere. That means you are overwriting memory and the results are almost never deterministic.

In C# if you don’t set all your references to null you just leak the memory (in other words it’s not released until the last reference is removed).

I can only agree with going the C++ route, professional game programming has been traditionally done in C++ not only because it has been for a long time but mainly for it’s performance, flexibility and low level control.

Very true, very true. There’s also a very interesting conversation to be had about other languages. C++ is not the only language that a project the size of UE4 could have been done with.

Haskell and functional languages for example bring many very interesting things to the table in terms of the types of bugs that can be committed by programmers. These are very important considerations when you think about the fact that UE4 has millions of lines of code. A defect rate of 0.001% per line of code written is still going to have 100’s or 1000’s of bugs. When you look at what those bugs are a large swath of them fall largely into things relating to memory access and corruption, and multithreading issues etc.

Functional programming eliminates those cases which should give anyone who really thinks about it at least a moment of pause.

The existing tools ecosystem including compilers, debuggers, and 3rd party integration and the available talent pool still outweighs those benefits right now.

An interesting community project would be an integrated functional language component. That’s one of the best things about having the source. The academic and research side of this is wide open now.

With UE4 being totally C++ you can port the engine to every possible platform, with unity you have to wait until unity does the first steps.

Just to clarify this point, Unity is also written in C++ and could be ported by the community if they released the code like Epic has done with UE4.

UE4 is undercutting the competition with a superior product and that’s gonna put real pressure on Unity and Crysis and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see some pricing revisions and source access made available. I think Epic has forced their hands.

@, Awesome! Thanks for clarifying.

These debates are bound to happen and they get emotional because the choice of language is often based on “what you are comfortable with”. I can tell a lot of people here are coming from a Unity background and appreciate its accessibility from C# through the documentation etc. My background: 15 years in professional game development as an engine programmer, I’ve used C++, C#, Java, extensively.

First off all, I think there is a misconception and people are latching too much onto C++. Epic has a far more elegant solution to scripting: Blueprints. Anyone who is comparing Unity C# to UE4’s C++ has missed the entire boat. Unity is also written in C++, they just don’t give you the source code. Any criticism leveled at UE4 because of C++ is equally applicable to Unity.

Secondly, who is coming from Unity and is used to C# should be looking at Blueprints not at the C++ engine source. UE4’s C++ source code is not for people who are used to scripting GameObjects and MonoBehaviours in C# in Unity.

And the final much more heated debate are the merits of C# vs C++.

Let’s start with the “language” part of C# vs C++ and ignore the performance aspects of the situation first:

As a language, C# and all languages built around the IL specifications are inferior to C++ because they lack several major features: compile time const-ness, a true Turing complete template meta programming solution, pre-processor macros that support substitution and reduction, the ability to do full static analysis, and multiple inheritance.

For the beginning programmer what does this all really mean? Let’s take a good example with const: multi-threading. In C++, because of const, it is much easier for me to produce a set of classes or an API that effectively communicates threading semantics between two classes that is enforced at compile time. If I have two systems A and B and they need to share an object, (where A can modify and B should only read) then it can simply be done by passing a “const” (cannot modify) version of that object to B. B can no longer ever call a method on the object that will modify its contents. This is enforced at compile time: if you tried to modify it it would fail with an error when compiling. That alone eliminates an entire class of thread synchronization bugs.

There are equally powerful cases for all of the other C++ language features. They range from convenience, to extraordinarily important if you want to be able to do something truly the right way.

C# has some superior language features as well but they don’t tip the scale in its favor:

C# has anonymous functions and closures: This is incredibly powerful. C++ added this in C++ 11 and it is arguable more powerful there but there is an elegance that C# has because it is GC’ed that C++ does not. If I truly had a wish though C# would have first class methods like Lua.

C# has (at least on windows) has windows forms. Not a language feature but it’s nice for tools.

C# has reflection, which is awesome. UE4 also has a reflection system as well, but it’s not a language feature of C++.

**Now let’s discuss performance in C++ vs C#. This is arguable more important than the language features (at least from some perspectives). **

I will begin with some follow up information if anyone really wants to get into this: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/212856/Head-to-head-benchmark-Csharp-vs-NET

The bottom line on this point is that C# is slower than C++. And if you use mono to compile your C# (like Unity does) then it is significantly slower. Using the microsoft class of IL compilers C# at its peak can almost match the speed of C++, but those are during its best cases. Generally C++ outperforms C# by a significant margin.

The types of optimizations that C++ goes through are more advanced and more significant than what are possible with C#. For example, did you guys know that every time you index an array in C# there is a bounds check in the array? Also C# has its own set of issues and concerns, specifically with mono: Almost all Generic.Collection<> classes in the C# runtime return structs from their IEnumerator interface (as they should). However, mono does not compile this correctly: and it converts structs to object types on the heap causing boxing/unboxing overhead on each iteration. Bottom line: foreach() is slow in Unity so it can’t be used as efficient alternative to avoiding the overhead of indexing in C#.

C# also makes it impossible to modify a value type without indexing because it lacks reference-to-value-types. Example:

void DoSomethingWithArray(MyStruct] arrayofvalues)
for (int i = 0; i < arrayofvalues.Count; ++i) {
if (arrayofvalues*.shouldBeModified) {
arrayofvalues*.modifyValue = calculateNewValue();

The above requires two indexes into arrayofvalues, requires two out of bounds checks. Can this be optimized out? No it can’t, the compiler has no guarantee that arrrayofvalues won’t be modified on another thread during the if() and the assignment inside the if.

People say C# bad because it is garbage collected, but isn’t UE4 also garbage collected?

This is a blessing and curse for C# and all GCed languages. Generally speaking GC (managed languages) are a net positive for the programmer.

The reasons aren’t always really what people think: yes in C# you don’t have to explicitly free memory, but that not the biggest win. The big win is that when I’m writting 50,000 lines of C# I don’t have to arbitrate what system is responsible for any given allocation. Because I don’t have to do that for literally thousands of places where an allocation occurs you eliminate a massiave swath of common mistakes: freeing a memory multiple times, overwritting free’d memory, overwritten memory you thought was yours but was free’d and then reallocated and given out to someone else. There are lots of expressions of these types of errors that can happen in a large project. They all lead to terrible issues: one of your objects gets overwritten by random garbage, you get a crash when you try to allocate or free memory because someone overwrote memory and stomped on the internal C++ heap house keeping structures. All kinds of nastiness.

GC is probably the best thing C# really has going for it. BUT it’s not all roses either: let’s not gloss over some realities that all managed (Unity) programmers have dealt with as well: Memory leaks. In C# you either get nullrefexceptions or you leak memory. Because its a managed language, a programming mistake can often lead to leaks instead of crashing. Both behaviors are arguably wrong. And C++ doesn’t really have clear win.

However, if you make a mistake the behavior in both cases (managed/unmanaged) it is still incorrect, just differently bad.

Why C#'s garbage collection is bad, and why UE4’s GC is better.

Both C# and UE4’s UObject and blueprints and gamecode generally are all GC’ed as well. So why did Epic do this? Because there is one major pitfall with C#'s GC: performance and predictability. Anyone who has done anything of complexity in Unity knows the bane of the GC hitches. You’re crusing along just fine and then BAM, a 500 ms pause hits you. Or the lovely continous stutter step every 2-3 seconds.

These are garbage collection spikes and there is no way to control when they happen or for how often, in other words there is no predictability.

UE4 is garbage collected but the way their object system is reclaimed and disposed is designed to be predictable and have a flat performance profile. C#'s GC is designed to work for spreadsheet applications and database front ends. It’s a general purpose GC. It’s not designed from the ground up to be a GC for a real-time application where a flat performance profile is the most important requirement.

Adding C# to UE4 is redundant and not a good idea

So for the above reasons C# is not a wise addition to UE4, UE4 already has a scripting system: Blueprints. Use blueprints for everything you want to do with C#. Use C++ to extend and modify UE4 in any way you want to. You can’t extend or modify Unity at all, unless you want to fork over the cost of a source license. And Epic has made it clear from their Twitch broadcasts that they are working towards an integrated system with to provide instant access to checkins on the main source branch as they happen.

Epic actively wants the community to dig into the engine and extend and improve it. That’s why they’ve given us the C++ source code.

Aside from Blueprints, GC, and C++ UE4 is superior to Unity in every other way

Point for point, system by system, Unity is not competitive with UE4 (except it exceeds in documentation). Not even the slated features of Unity 5 matches UE4, it only narrows the gap a little bit.

There are major systems in UE4 that Unity totally lacks, and they are not trivial things, they are systems that it takes expertise in to replicate. They could be done in Unity of course, and the Unity community has provided addons to fill in some of the short comings, but they aren’t done in an integrated system like in UE4. Here’s some of those missing things that UE4 has but are lacking an integrated solution in Unity:

  • A real networking solution with client side prediction and authoritative network architecture.
  • Built in platform agnostic online subsystems and match making with support for Steam, Game Center etc.
  • Behavioral trees and AI systems: Unity has no system for you to create and produce AI or NPC login. You have to start at the lowest level and write your own code to move objects around. Then pathfinding etc.
  • Unity’s mechanim system is not as robust or sophisticated as UE4’s.
  • Unity has no material node graph. Unity’s renderer (even Unity 5’s) is inferior.
  • Unity’s built in GUI is terrible, but there are replacements like NGUI and Diakon Forge. UE4 is about to get Coherent UI and I’m sure the community will fill this void unless Epic gets to it first.

There’s more than this but it’s just an example of the really hard stuff you still have to implement yourself in Unity or buy piecemeal solutions for on the Asset store. And the asset store solutions aren’t always the quality needed to actually ship something.


  • If you are upset that UE4 uses C++ you are missing the bigger picture: UE4’s Blueprints are the equivalent to Unity’s C#, but blueprints are superior.
  • C# is slower than C++ in almost all cases, and much slower when compiled with mono which Unity uses.
  • UE4’s method of garbage collection is better than C#'s generic GC.
  • UE4 is superior to Unity. It’s not merely an equal or an alternative.

Wow, so much opinion being passed off as fact. Always be wary of posts like these.

A hacked on template system, multiple inheritance and the lack of pre-processor as POSITIVES for C++??? Really

Completely disregarding programmer productivity as a plus? Or the safety the CLR grants? To give preventing leaks or multithreaded programming as a positive for C++… is there an emoticon for mind blown on these forums?

Each language has it’s merits, and C# is nowhere nearly as dire as attempts to paint it.

This thread is silly.

People are correct in saying that C++ can outperform C# (either MS’s CLR or Mono’s) if written correctly. However, writing performant code in any language isn’t a trivial task. Just writing in C++ isn’t going to give you any automatic performance boost. Just as with managed code, much care needs to be taken in how you [de]allocate memory, exploit caches and architect your code.

There very much is a sort of poisonous mentality in the games industry that native code is the only appropriate choice for all game and engine logic. I think this comes from inexperienced developers who heard someone say once that C++ can outperform C#, and didn’t take the time to understand the context of that sentiment. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust a developer who makes the blanket claim that C++ is the only correct choice in game development to have the experience or knowledge to correctly use C++ in the first place. The whole thought process behind people pushing C++ as the only viable language in games reeks of immaturity and unprofessionalism. An alternate explanation is that C and C++ are taught at many schools for programming and game development (for good reason: learning C++ is an excellent experience that I wish on all programmers who want to further their skills).

The three biggest reasons why I say this are:

  1. Writing performant code is difficult and requires rigorous testing and deep knowledge of general computation and the specific algorithms used in this domain. A person with good programming sense can easily write managed code that outperforms native code written by someone who lacks the proper background and experience. Please don’t push C++ because “it’s faster” if you do not understand, for example, cache lines or proper memory allocation.

  2. The vast majority of a game is not performance critical (Program optimization - Wikipedia). There are things that should be written to squeeze every ounce of performance out of the machine - such as collision detection, physics simulation and similar systems - yet, most of the code that you will actually write on a per-game basis will not be executed many times in a frame. Furthermore, with proper multi-threading (and/or writing algorithms that can be executed over the course of many frames), many of these non-realtime tasks can be offloaded onto a separate core: thus not impacting the main game loop in any substantial way.

  3. Ease of use. Ease of use is not an excuse for non-programmers to be able to write code - on the contrary. I use this term to say that a language such as C# will allow an experienced developer to write correct code more quickly; and give them the tools to architect their logic in such a way as to promote reuse and modularity (thus decreasing the amount of time required for maintenance, fixing bugs, prototyping or adding new features).

So what exactly am I suggesting? Basically: Unity’s scripting model. I’m not going to go on a general U4 vs UE5 debate here: but I think one of the things that the Unity folks did better than Epic was expose a scripting API in C#. People can, and will continue to, write poor C# in Unity that negatively impacts performance - but the vast majority of the time, properly written code has no noticeable impact. The architectural and stability advantages are very much worth the insignificant performance penalty. Of course, Unity did the right thing by writing their core engine in C++. They employ expert game engine developers who work around the clock to maintain their C++ codebase; so they can afford the additional complexity introduced by that language choice. The benefit is that we get our performance critical logic written by experts in a low level language - while enjoying a high level scripting experience for game logic that encourages correctness and rapid development.

I know that one counter-argument that people will love to point out is Blueprint. I am simply not convinced that Blueprint will be an appropriate choice for all game developers to write high-level logic in. I’ve seen no implementation of a visual scripting language that provides the same logic density and flexibility as more traditional programming languages. Does it have a place? I’m sure it does. But saying that it replaces where C# would fit in is very much to ignore the power of written code. I’ve invested many, many years into programming; and I would expect that the game engine I choose to reward that investment by providing a scripting interface that I would immediately be comfortable and productive in.

Which brings us to the fact that U4 is now open-source with direct C++ access for writing game logic. I think this is a great move - and it will allow people much more extensibility than Unity currently does with its closed-source model. We can now write performance-critical modules that live side-by-side with the ones written by the developers of the engine itself. This is huge.

However: if I am not to use Blueprint for the aforementioned reasons, the logic I wish to express isn’t performance critical, and I wish to use a more productive and safe language: what do I do?

I say this all simply to suggest that there is a gap between C++ extensibility and Blueprint scripting. Hopefully that will be filled soon by a community-provided C# scripting API for U4.

Does Epic have some sort of style guide for C++ programming, that you either use internally or recommend for users of Unreal Engine 4?

(C++ is arguably a very “large” language, and every successful large C++ project that I’ve seen has chosen a certain subset of the language and adhered to that subset. For example, the google C++ style guide advises against exception, and the MISRA C++ standard (for industrial/embedded devices) prohibits heap allocation. And I can’t find the video right now, but I remember Carmack saying in a Q&A that he also has in his mind a “sane subset” of C++ he used for Quake 4/Rage/etc. I would love to know if Epic has something similar.)

MonsOlympus has some good questions from the last page, so I thought I’d describe how Fortnite is mixing C++ and Blueprints. Here’s an example class hierarchy for one of our enemies:

AActor -> AFortPawn -> AFortAIPawn -> AFortAIPawn_Husk -> HuskGeneric -> HuskThrowing

FortPawn is C++ and has code to deal with things like our animation implementation. FortAIPawn is C++ and has the hooks for the behavior tree AI system. AFortAIPawn_Husk is very light and has a few things for increased performance. HuskGeneric is a spawnable blueprint, and has the majority of the data references built into it. HuskThrowing is a variant of HuskGeneric that throws bones, so uses most of the same data references and overrides some behavior. This structure has worked pretty well for us, but the specific decisions depend on how the team is setup. We could probably do without AFortAIPawn_Husk, it’s mostly there for historical reasons, or you could make that layer an abstract blueprint or “Core blueprint”. What basically happened for us is that the designers and programmers worked towards each other as we implemented new functionality, and we met in the middle. Most of the replication logic is inside the native code, most of the visual logic is in the blueprint, and most of the gameplay logic is inside other objects referenced by the blueprints. For instance the HuskGeneric blueprint actually dynamically decides what it should look like, based on random chance. That system works well the way the artists implemented it so it’s implemented in the blueprint event graph. But, if something was too complicated to implement efficiently in blueprint, we’d move it to C++ and refactor the blueprint.

A key part of the fortnite setup is that we try to avoid referenc data assets from C++ classes, and we’re currently removing most of the rest of the references. We do this primarily through Object Libraries, the Async Loading doc page has a good overview of how to set that up. We use Object Libraries for things like weapons, items, enemies, etc. We load an entire directory of assets, and then expose methods to find the desired asset based on game-specific queries. It’ll be something like “spawn the enemy named husk”. The other method we use extensively is to have data references hanging off of a GameSingleton, I discuss the general method over at this AnswerHub question. That singleton has pointers to things like the player’s initial inventory, what blueprint to use for the player’s pawn in different situations, etc. Using those two methods we’ve removed most of the data references from our C++ classes

If anyone has specific questions about to set up a hierarchy, ask away and I’ll reply. As an example, Mons I’m not entirely sure what you meant by “I might encounter the need to have C++ Blueprint dependencies like Archetypes and Id prefer not have those hard links between external and internal classes”. What specific pattern are you trying to avoid?

A hacked on template system, multiple inheritance and the lack of pre-processor as POSITIVES for C++??? Really

Yes absolutely. Those features are totally valuable and very powerful.

Completely disregarding programmer productivity as a plus?

Programmer productivity is heavily influenced by the actual task you are talking about and C# and C++ both have merits in that regard. Saying C# increases productivity as a blanket statement is probably not correct. The lack of const in IL based languages alone can lead to an entire class of bugs.

Each language has it’s merits, and C# is nowhere nearly as dire as attempts to paint it.

There is no need to make this into some sort of personal conflict about which language is better. In the context of a large real time application like UE4 I think I painted an accurate picture of the strengths and weaknesses.

All languages have their relative strengths. C# is a good language, one that I’ve used for many years. There is no reason to not use it as a scripting language in your project or game as long as you are aware of the pitfalls of a garbage collected language in a real time application and can mitigate them.

I don’t think there is anything to be gained by integrating C# into UE4.

Integrating C# would be a good move to help transition the Unity refugees. Blueprint is really great and I am still getting up to speed on it. I’m all for Visual scripting but normally these are things you give to your Level Designer so he can get down to business on his own. People coming from Unity will compare Blueprint to the popular Playmaker . You just won’t convince them otherwise verbally. Maybe if they saw an entire AAA game made using Blueprints for gameplay… Granted, people have visual scripted entire games using Playmaker. So anything can happen

[edit] So I’m all for letting the community integrate Mono C# etc all they want (not suggesting Epic should do it). Personally, I will probably stick to C++ and Blueprint.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean by dependencies in terms of Blueprints. Blueprints in C++ are just normal UObject classes that have some meta data via UPROPERTY and UFUNCTION macros that make blueprints aware of them so the engine can instantiate and connect them together. Any dependencies you have should only be your direct parent class.

You should be able to place any common code you want to reuse in non-blueprint cases in a simple class of your own that is called from your Blueprint class and your non Blueprint class (i.e. a class that has no blueprintcallable properties and functions).

Maybe I’m not understanding the complete picture?

Im not sure this is still a work in progress as I go through the prototype and port functionality I already have from UScript so I might have overlooked something. Ive been told to treat Blueprints as classes not objects but perhaps that advice was alittle misleading, Im not entirely sure. To call a blueprint as a UClass and that blueprint has to exist first for the code to compile, unless theres something more generic Im overlooking. I do think you have simplified alittle bit, the issue being like so:

Core C++ Classes -> Core Blueprints -> Extended Blueprints

Core C++ Classes -> Core Blueprints -> Extended C++ Classes -> Extended Blueprints

As you can see the extended c++ classes now rely on Blueprint Classes.

Core C++ Classes -> Extended C++ Classes /-> Core Blueprints

This breaks links to Core Blueprints.

Core C++ Classes -> Core Blueprints -> Extended Blueprints
Core C++ Classes -> Extended C++ Classes -> Extended Blueprints

This works but will take more management and might break merges more often when classes are created and blueprints shifted around.

This is a great point, that an interop layer must necessarily be present at the interface between code and sufficiently powerful visual tools. The layer enabling C++ programmers to expose features to Blueprint layers is one example. Another example is the visual material system, where code generated for shader nodes is essentially strcat’d together behind the scenes into a shader program that is sent to DirectX or OpenGL for realtime execution on the GPU.

The big question for engine developers is whether to utilize different programming languages for different parts of the programming pipeline, introducing an interop layer where they are partitioned.

BTW: It’s fine to compare to Unity and other engines here. Each engine arrived at a very different solution to gameplay programming, and comparing their decisions is a valuable exercise that increases 's understanding of the tradeoffs.

Okay I just thought the conversation was drifting alittle far, Im certainly not against comparisons but I do come here to talk about Unreal Engine primarily for obvious reasons :slight_smile:

That is interesting, I have used the display source for materials so I knew it was alittle bit different to Blueprints but I had not realized it was actually working with the raw text kinda like macros. From how I see it though the visual scripting tools are a good reason to leave the real nitty gritty programming in C++, Ive seen tools come from DOS all the way through Windows to where they are now and game designers never have been so lucky as they are now with the amount of tools and the magnitude of the quality, not only that but there are really cohesive suites now compared to the past where the tools were nothing more than a gloried level design tool.

I think the additions people will make to this refound solid base is a great reason to choose C++, Im sure it certainly helped with the source release too not having to deal with a scripting language that is essentially obsoleted with C++ access. Blueprint on the other hand has enough going for it that its worth using in places instead of text based programming and in alot of ways its easier and more straight forward than UScript, its certainly not perfect as the spaghetti monster always looms but it can be just as hard to trace code even in C++ if its written poorly enough so hopefully we’ll see more people adopting good practices brought over from the school of C++.

I can certainly see UE4 having quite the longevity, thats important for me when committing to learn a toolset and part of the reason Im not sure about taking my 3dsmax knowledge any further is because of the uncertainty behind whether Autodesk will entirely shift focus to a more cohesive linear pipeline and product line at some stage. I know UE4 will change but I trust Epic to filter down changes in the best possible manner, Ive been working on monthly UDK releases for some time now so Im used to seeing changes and additions pop up at that rate. Ive always known we use what you guys use first, anything ontop of that tends to be gravy and there is a shift in focus to taking more input from the community but I always expected C++ to be the supported language because as long as Ive known its what Epic has been using. Im not sure if the fact Unreal Engine is a virtual machine has anything to do with it either, that it needs a more portable language to make it worth while.

For me though when we talk about gameplay programming, I cant help but see the future as a syntax independent mathematical modeled visual scripting tool which learns how its users work and adapts to that and gives them the best possible speed by staying as close to bare metal as it can. As much as people might disagree with me WYSIWYG is an extremely big thing in visualizing not just gameflow but program flow overall, so it helps on a number of different levels and I really took what you said about looking at children and the way they are picking up new technologies to mind. It just becomes clear to me that language can be a barrier we try to overcome and with that type of mentality in mind I can see why people like .net, it does have this unification theme to it in trying to remove those barriers but its still text based and programming flow is largely not done in pure text but block diagrams and flow graphs which are visual tools :cool:

[= Zeigler;17702]
MonsOlympus has some good questions from the last page, so I thought I’d describe how Fortnite is mixing C++ and Blueprints. Here’s an example class hierarchy for one of our enemies:

AActor -> AFortPawn -> AFortAIPawn -> AFortAIPawn_Husk -> HuskGeneric -> HuskThrowing

FortPawn is C++ and has code to deal with things like our animation implementation. FortAIPawn is C++ and has the hooks for the behavior tree AI system. AFortAIPawn_Husk is very light and has a few things for increased performance. HuskGeneric is a spawnable blueprint, and has the majority of the data references built into it. HuskThrowing is a variant of HuskGeneric that throws bones, so uses most of the same data references and overrides some behavior. This structure has worked pretty well for us, but the specific decisions depend on how the team is setup. We could probably do without AFortAIPawn_Husk, it’s mostly there for historical reasons, or you could make that layer an abstract blueprint or “Core blueprint”. What basically happened for us is that the designers and programmers worked towards each other as we implemented new functionality, and we met in the middle. Most of the replication logic is inside the native code, most of the visual logic is in the blueprint, and most of the gameplay logic is inside other objects referenced by the blueprints. For instance the HuskGeneric blueprint actually dynamically decides what it should look like, based on random chance. That system works well the way the artists implemented it so it’s implemented in the blueprint event graph. But, if something was too complicated to implement efficiently in blueprint, we’d move it to C++ and refactor the blueprint.

A key part of the fortnite setup is that we try to avoid referenc data assets from C++ classes, and we’re currently removing most of the rest of the references. We do this primarily through Object Libraries, the Async Loading doc page has a good overview of how to set that up. We use Object Libraries for things like weapons, items, enemies, etc. We load an entire directory of assets, and then expose methods to find the desired asset based on game-specific queries. It’ll be something like “spawn the enemy named husk”. The other method we use extensively is to have data references hanging off of a GameSingleton, I discuss the general method over at this AnswerHub question. That singleton has pointers to things like the player’s initial inventory, what blueprint to use for the player’s pawn in different situations, etc. Using those two methods we’ve removed most of the data references from our C++ classes

If anyone has specific questions about to set up a hierarchy, ask away and I’ll reply. As an example, Mons I’m not entirely sure what you meant by “I might encounter the need to have C++ Blueprint dependencies like Archetypes and Id prefer not have those hard links between external and internal classes”. What specific pattern are you trying to avoid?

Ahh thank you that is extremely helpful. My main concern is Blueprint Classes and calling Blueprint functionality from within C++, I would prefer to keep those calls all C++ native and override in Blueprint. I think its similar to what you are saying about data objects but in this case its class references because of the need to call functionality, even if I cast I still need the class of Blueprint to call the appropriate function. I was having some issues calling through C++ into the blueprint layer but that may just be a project specific issue. With the Archetypes to explain that, is that you would have to:

  • Create the class for the archetype compile.
  • Then open the editor and create the archetype.
  • Copy the reference to the asset to the clipboard close the editor and copy it into Uscript.
  • Then recompile with the asset reference linked so you could access the archetype.

This is what creates the interdependency and if we are modifying blueprint callables or *native implemented events * I cant help but see us running into issues pretty quickly.

This seems like a silly discussion really. C++ is there because we have SOURCE CODE access and the Unreal Engine was born in C++, Unity as an example doesn’t give you access to their source code hence you get C#, Java, Boo languages to write your games. If they were going to leave a written scripting language available I would imagine the would have left uscript there. Regardless I know about the V8 plugins to enable JavaScript for UE4 is in development by someone. I am sure if someone out there REALLY wanted to code in C# for UE4 they could do the same, seems kind of counter productive though as it would be quicker to just code your games with the tools available but each there own :wink: (I did enjoy using C# in Unity though :wink: ) but I much prefer Blue Print :smiley:

This thread is silly.

People are correct in saying that C++ can outperform C# (either MS’s CLR or Mono’s) if written correctly. However, writing performant code in any language isn’t a trivial task. Just writing in C++ isn’t going to give you any automatic performance boost. Just as with managed code, much care needs to be taken in how you [de]allocate memory, exploit caches and architect your code.

There very much is a sort of poisonous mentality in the games industry that native code is the only appropriate choice for all game and engine logic. I think this comes from inexperienced developers who heard someone say once that C++ can outperform C#, and didn’t take the time to understand the context of that sentiment. Frankly, I wouldn’t trust a developer who makes the blanket claim that C++ is the only correct choice in game development to have the experience or knowledge to correctly use C++ in the first place. The whole thought process behind people pushing C++ as the only viable language in games reeks of immaturity and unprofessionalism. An alternate explanation is that C and C++ are taught at many schools for programming and game development (for good reason: learning C++ is an excellent experience that I wish on all programmers who want to further their skills).

I don’t think any blanket statements have been made advocating C++ as the only solution to any problem. I think the case has been made that there are downsides to any managed language, and that C# and IL languages in particular lack the comparative speed and language features relative to C++ and therefore make it a less optimum choice for a large complex real-time application.

No one is trying to make some kind of crusade for or against any particular language here.

Just to remind you the original question on this thread was why Epic had dropped UnrealScript in favor of C++ and Blueprints.


  1. Writing performant code is difficult and requires rigorous testing and deep knowledge of general computation and the specific algorithms used in this domain. A person with good programming sense can easily write managed code that outperforms native code written by someone who lacks the proper background and experience. Please don’t push C++ because “it’s faster” if you do not understand, for example, cache lines or proper memory allocation.

This is a bad generalization in my opinion. Domain specific knowledge is critical in certain classes of problems, but that does not mean that language choice is irrelevant by any means. There are trade-offs.

Generally speaking, across an application, C# is slower than C++, ranging from 2x to possibly many times slower… Pointing out that an expert programmer can write code that outperforms a monkey banging on a keyboard in C++ doesn’t really make that fact any less true.

That fact in no way means that C# or other managed languages are a poor choice for games. Minecraft was written in Java and it runs just fine.

But UE4 is meant to push the bleeding edge. Potentially losing a factor or 2x or more off the top of a program just based on your choice of language before you write any code at all is a discussion worth having.

3) Ease of use. Ease of use is not an excuse for non-programmers to be able to write code - on the contrary. I use this term to say that a language such as C# will allow an experienced developer to write correct code more quickly; and give them the tools to architect their logic in such a way as to promote reuse and modularity (thus decreasing the amount of time required for maintenance, fixing bugs, prototyping or adding new features).

These generalizations apply equally to C++ and C# and to any modern programming language, including Blueprints.

So what exactly am I suggesting? Basically: Unity’s scripting model. I’m not going to go on a general U4 vs UE5 debate here: but I think one of the things that the Unity folks did better than Epic was expose a scripting API in C#. People can, and will continue to, write poor C# in Unity that negatively impacts performance - but the vast majority of the time, properly written code has no noticeable impact. The architectural and stability advantages are very much worth the insignificant performance penalty.

There are no inherent stability advantages or disadvantages inherent to either language, except for garbage collection. The good and bad of GC in a real-time application is a big topic. It’s also not a trivial issue. GC cycle hitches in Unity are a real issue.

The expressive power of C++ as compared to C# allows for significantly more elegant and powerful code architecture. Slate in UE4 is a good example of this. In-fact the entire Unreal Object system is a living breathing example of the type of architectural expressiveness allowed by C++ that would never be possible in C#.

For me though when we talk about gameplay programming, I cant help but see the future as a syntax independent mathematical modeled visual scripting tool which learns how its users work and adapts to that and gives them the best possible speed by staying as close to bare metal as it can. As much as people might disagree with me WYSIWYG is an extremely big thing in visualizing not just gameflow but program flow overall, so it helps on a number of different levels and I really took what you said about looking at children and the way they are picking up new technologies to mind. It just becomes clear to me that language can be a barrier we try to overcome and with that type of mentality in mind I can see why people like .net, it does have this unification theme to it in trying to remove those barriers but its still text based and programming flow is largely not done in pure text but block diagrams and flow graphs which are visual tools :cool:

Yeah that’s the sort of thing that’s gonna be really exciting. How cool would it be to use the UE4 editor in Oculus and move your hands around to build and script.

People who belive in this are the once that can’t grassp why so simple games like Minecraft or Fez have so high requirments and yell “opimize” at developers

C++ compiles to direcly to CPU machine code it does not have manage code which makes you code easier in cost of prefermence. You cant go faster then that or else you create more optimal assebler code. I ammused that developer now days are so lazy and addicted to assist code that they start to discredit C++, where i belive C/C++ is first thing they should learn as this way you understand software a hell lot of better. When i first used c++ i felt free like a bird.

Also small reminder… Unreal Engine always had C++ coding since very begining, with *.u file you could also see associated *.dll file, but it was not avable to nonlicence users… until this point (or rether licence become cheaper). If you wonder why licenced developers could do more with UE thats a reason, they could do call to even deepest point of engine, could implement external code liberies and so on. Epic states that Blueprint is what replace UnrealScript, and give access to C++ so things fit perfecly

C# compiles to IL but it is then just-in-time-compiled to machine code…so after the first run, it can be just as fast as C++ code compiled to machine. Furthermore you can ngen C# code right to machine code from the get go with no IL. Once it’s machine code, it’s all the same assuming the proper optimizations are in place and both the Microsoft C++ and C# compilers are optimized. People who aren’t familiar with managed languages assume that some how they are interpreted…this not true.

I’m so happy to hear about this development, . To folks on the thread: the primary goal of ‘managed’ languages was to ‘manage’ a single resource: memory. Few if any other resources are managed and memory can be easily managed through constructors and destructors and classes that do simple reference counting. I used to be a big fan of things like Java and C# (and I even wrote an UnrealScript compiler a long long time ago) but am now firmly in the camp of those who feel the whole ‘managed’ idea was a big mistake and distraction that mainly allowed (encouraged even) a generation of programmers to be clueless about how hardware works. We need less language diversity and more focus on becoming competent with existing constructs. -B

Yeah that’s the sort of thing that’s gonna be really exciting. How cool would it be to use the UE4 editor in Oculus and move your hands around to build and script.

Thats actually a really interesting idea, I had considered using a touched based interface with blueprint being able to slide nodes around and attach multiple wires using both hands to speed things up alot more and even giving digits more freedom for those precise moves. With oculus I guess it could be possible to navigate a 3D blueprint space so spaghetti might be less of an issue as it is in the 2D space since we could rotate around, really get in amongst the blueprints themselves. Whether or not its useful is another debate entirely though, personally I think program AI has to come along side or it might not work. See the windows paper clip might have been despised but we have things like JIT compilers now that do incrementally build, even UE4 does it with shaders and lighting, it builds ontop of builds so you could end up with some sort of cache brain you can access similar to the sims saved game data or even your smart phone keyboard memory.

This seems like a silly discussion really. C++ is there because we have SOURCE CODE access and the Unreal Engine was born in C++,

That’s not really true. The reason why we get only C++ is because Epic decided to drop UnrealScript. If they had decided against open sourcing the engine, we still would’ve gotten C++ for gameplay programming.

Don’t get me wrong, I fully support the decision to go with C++ and I relish the opportunity to do some serious C++ programming again. The last four years for me have mostly been spent on C# with some Python and Java on the side, and I’ve been itching to get back to C++. However, I do acknowledge that this decision leaves out a sizable group of people who are well enough programmers that Blueprint is below their level but C++ is far above their level. Providing a language in-between those two extremes could be desirable for that reason.

The last few days I’ve done a bit of philosophizing whether it might be worth the effort of integrating Python as a scripting language for UE4. But the more I think about it, the more I wonder if the problem it solves weighs up against the mass of problems it introduces. And considering the arguments in 's post earlier in this thread, I would say the answer to that is “no”. It might still be interesting though to provide a scripting language that acts as an alternative to the visual scripting of Blueprint, communicating against the same API and compiling down to the same internal format. That way you avoid the trouble of having to maintain a new and separate invocation layer, while still providing a compelling and useful gameplay programming language.

[=Nico de Poel;17798]
while still providing a compelling and useful gameplay programming language.

It is already there. C++ it its name.