It sounds to me like putting the HeroTPP from a new project solved the issue for you. If that is the case I will be closing this issue as resolved. Please let me know if I am misinterpreting what you are saying or if you are still seeing the same problem.
Yes, it solved the issue, but then I lost my HeroTTP-blueprint. It’s the biggest asset in my game and I want to save all that I’ve done in it.
How can I restore the asset?
Even if I delete my HeroTPP and reconnect all of the casts to a new HeroCharacter, anyway I get the same error. So, the issue didn’t resolved =((
Hey, people? Should I describe the issue fully again?
I have HeroAnimBlueprint, MyHUD, FireBlueprint, ExplosionBlueprint. All of this blueprints have a cast to blueprint HeroCharacter.
For example, I connect all of the casts, save all of the assets. Then I start to play. If I play about 10 seconds. I can stop the playing, close the project and editor. Then, I can restart it and all will be okay. BUT if I play more time (for example 3 minutes) then when I stop playing I see some strange thing. Unreal says me that I should save about 10 assets (for example, MyHUD, Grenade, Mine, Gun, FireBlueprint…) Note that I HAVE NOT opened and edited all of this assets. But whether I save them or not, the issue appears anyway. I close the editor, open it again and when I click on the button “Play” (or on any asset) and then unreal crashes with that error.
And if I put a HeroCharacter from a new project, everything goes in the same way. I can reconnect all “cast” nodes, but when unreal will say me that I should save a lot of assets I haven’t open, the error will appear again.
But I don’t exactly know whether the issue is due to “over saving” or not
In order to find the exact cause of this problem I need to know what changes you make to your HeroCharacter between bringing a fresh copy of the asset until it begins causing problems in the project. The best solution for this would be to upload a screenshot of the Hero blueprint that you’re using.
The issue with the editor asking you to save other assets that you’ve not opened is due to the fact that changing one asset will require any other asset that references the changed one to be recompiled. This is so that the dependent assets can recognize the changes made to the first.
Hello. I put my new character into the project (I can even create a new blueprint-character). Then I reconnect all the casts to hero. But I can’t play the game because the new hero haven’t that variables and dunctions that other assets need (e.g. Health for HUD). So, I copy nodes from the old hero to the new. And I can close the editor and no error occurs as I restart. But If I play at least 5 minutes, the errors will ocure as I restart the editor. I have written about it above.
If I will take screenshots I need to take a lot of screenshots. How can I shot it more easily?
If you can send me a copy of your broken Hero blueprint as well as some of the other blueprints that reference it I can try to reproduce the crash on my end.
Hi Defale,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you.
Sorry for late =( I couldn’t upload the asset, so I uploaded this one to MEGA MEGA
Trying to use the asset did cause a crash. I have submitted this crash to our internal tracking system (UE-4475) for further investigation.
It’s strange… I can open it in the editor
Hey Defale,
The bug was fixed in cl#2354405.
The asset was corrupted, because it references an removed Enum. After the fix it won’t cause any crash.