Very neat! If you’re okay with deleting every decal instead of doing it individually you can add every decal you create to an array of decals each time you create one. Then when you want to delete them you can run a for each loop on the array, deleting them all and then clearing the array.
hello. thanks for your share. I’ve benefit from your sharing and also I did eraser . If you want I can tell you how can add eraser
Please don´t ask if we wish. We will, please share the eraser.
It is possible to use Whiteboard Blueprint without a Box Brush Because i use Widget thanks …
Wow, this was exactly what i was looking for!!! thank you so much!, only 1 problem, how do i change the pen’s opacity? because now when i start to draw it is drawing in an almost see through color slowly becomming more visible, but i would like it to be fully visible and thick on there immideatly, but i can’t seem to find where to change that, does anyone know? thank you in advance
This is really cool thank, you very much for sharing! It gives me a great starting off point for an idea I’ve had in the back of my head for quite some time. It may very well become the foundation of my project. I think I would like to improve what justsander was referring to is something I am wondering about too, how can I lay down a solid line. when I draw now I get too much spacing between decal dots. I would like for those dots to be close enough together to form a solid line right away. the faster I move my cursor the bigger the spacing, only if I move really slowly, I get a line that is desirable. I am missing the part that controls the density/spacing of the decals.
The other thing I don’t quite understand is why the pen won’t find the whiteboard if I don’t have a bigger object behind it. Anybody have any insight on that?
Thanks again, any help is very much appreciated.
any updates on this?
I created and released this nearly 10 years ago! and still to this day i get regular requests for the file, Google drive has not allowed anyone access to this file in so long, I have no idea why, i guess it just Expired, anyway heres a new link for it if anyone wants it, and ill say again, this is nearly 10 years old, i have no idea if this works in the current version of unreal engine or not.
Also note this worked at the time by drawing many many decals, which i know now is poor performance, and suggest looking up a guide doing this using shaders.
Can you help me with the eraser?
Please can you?