Where to start? MMORPG Dream

Of course it will have a website from pre-production, that is the simplest part.

you’ve got a lot to do :slight_smile:
gl for your mmorpg!


yea I figure.

Btw content I create for a single player game, can it later be used for an MMORPG?

As in I want to create my first level which will be situated mainly in a cave, kind of an introduction to the game. Can all the assets I create be used later? Or will they be too high poly?

Is it possible to smooth a high poly asset into a low one?

Also a few questions, how do I give users the ability to turn certain things off like particles so that the game can run on low and powerful computers? That can all be done later right? I don’t want to end up re-doing everything cause I forgot to structure it properly.

There are propably some config files for . Also, you can use the assets, but the code has to be made for networking from the ground up. Better code your own server solution.

For degrading to low polly asets you can use LOD. Also, there are companies like Simplygon, which make it really easy. Check it out!

Good luck! :slight_smile:

Check out too: https://forums.unrealengine/showthread.php?20946-Networking-question-MMO-architecture-kinduva-long-story .

By coding my own server solution and making networking from ground up…

what do you mean?

Like lets say I make a cave map instance, have animated chars, assets in it, AIs, particle etc…

Could I build in the networking?
Or would i need to re-make everything in order to make it multiplayer?

It means, that if you code the gameplay without taking in account multiplayer, you will have t orewrite most of it. You should make it networkable from the beginning, and for your preview, just start a server on your local machine, and connect to it. Will be like singleplayer, jsut with client/server achitecture.

So, better try to make something small, with part of the gameplay in the planned MMO. Make some money of it and see if it sells, then hire more people, and with the present (now future) technology make something Epic!!! Good luck :slight_smile:

is pretty much what The Elder Scrolls series did, eventually leading them to ESO.

Btw content I create for a single player game, can it later be used for an MMORPG?

Can all the assets I create be used later?

It’s just graphics so yes, it’s sort of the same, there are collision aspects to consider so you will have to think about the overall design (collision has to be handled clearly and accounting for lag, so blocky environments like in Gears of War are better/clearer), but could actually be done from the beginning of development if you want to and I definitely would. It’s a very exciting aspect, to me. Most MMOs are low-detail, partly because of the huge download of massive maps I think. But then FF14 isn’t so low detail.

There are actually a few MMOs with the data open sourced, I think. Check out maybe dive into the code. Or there’s thing.

By coding my own server solution and making networking from ground up…

what do you mean?

Like lets say I make a cave map instance, have animated chars, assets in it, AIs, particle etc…

Could I build in the networking?
Or would i need to re-make everything in order to make it multiplayer?

Yes you add in a sync function after making basic single player gameplay and there are things to learnfor that. I haven’t properly looked at Unreal 4 yet but there might be code or a plugin for that to make it super easy peasy. For now I would say, use some placeholder art/content and work on the gameplay and structure like others have mentioned.

I would probably host the game locally using a c++ embedded server that goes in the client and server app projects.

You don’t need every right now. bloat has been a problem for my learning over the past 7 years, because I didn’t focus on the right things and I tried to do everything at once.

Even a server is somewhere near the hardcore level of programming for me. So, game server… well, be prepared to read a lot. For example I had to learn to use Linux for the first time last week, for a web development project, because Windows is just too slow for a very demanding website idea that me and a friend want to do. All these years I had been scared of Linux, but it’s actually not so bad.

If you have reasonable looking graphics, or can buy them cheaply, I think that helps massively with the early stages of development. I’m considering buying stuff like , because I have a small budget to spend:
(License is okay for game development, with some limitations like making the final models unreadable by other programs, don’t sell them on, etc.)

Think about it. If I’m using blocks for levels, I’m not going to consider the real “space” of game development there. I want to start procedurally generating towns and stuff. It would be awesome if Blueprints can actually do what I have in mind.

I would want to make the world editable while it’s running, also, and would involve code modifications. I want features like building houses with physics objects. And I have to be a programmer to understand whether/how these things are feasible. I will rely on an impressive gameplay trailer for Kickstarter- that’s my funding strategy.


2015 : Learning more about engines, games and starting to create a few assets, finishing my current websites and projects to try to get some funding
2016: Producing the first instance of cave and tweaking it, learning more and more and adding 1-2 members to my “team”
2017: Getting funding from my cave and planning to go to US or canada in 2018 anyway, so I will try to get nice funding and kickstarter to produce the first level. Open a team and try to get 10 - 20 members ish. Outsource everything possible such as small asset creation, scripts and more.
2018: Try to start producing the MMO and release a short single player version for testing
2020: Release a fully made MMORPG

These are just what the timeline might look like if I am successful.

There is a phrase for : “don’t set yourself up to fail.” If you rely on getting funding, you are statistically going to be very upset, dispirited, and slightly depressed. I don’t rely on much.

Modelling is not going to take you a year to learn. In fact, you can learn several things at the same time like programming, modelling/texturing, rigging/animation, and that’s what I did. I learnt by looking things up and getting very stressed at 3dsMax. It’s a terrible program. And I don’t even model things after several years of studying area. It’s far too much time to sink into it myself. I am the first person I hired. Unless there’s a highly intelligent team that wants to help me push through my superior game design ideas into a product for little $, there’s nothing more important than using my time well. And does not mean modelling, not with today’s tools, unless maybe Houdini can generate small cities. If it’s more rational, then I know I SHOULD go that route. As much as I feel lazy and want to stick with what’s comfortable.

I aim to work on much shorter timelines, even though it’s unlikely I will make it. I even give myself 30 minute timing challenges and if I add something I need to the game, I get pizza. It’s fun.

See also
Game engines that are probably the best for MMORPGs

If you’re going to use UE4, why not just use its Server Client model and extend on it? UE4 Networking is optimized for real-time fast-paced ‘twitch’ games. It designed with compensating for lag and compatible with the client in every way. Extend the UE4 Server/Client Model adding MMO distribution techniques: Sharding, Zoning, Instancing, Cloning.

  • Sharding means running different copies of the game. Each copy houses a number of players that can interact with each other but not with the players on the other shards.
  • Zoning means dividing the virtual world into different zones that are all handled by their own server.
  • Instancing is a mix between zoning and sharding.
  • Cloning is running two identical copies of the game on different servers that are continually synchronized with each other so that the player experiences it as a single virtual world.

From my perspective, devising a method of Sharding, Zoning, Instancing, Cloning is required no matter if the server houses 64 or 1000 players. It may take a one or more or hybrid of these methods for satisfactory results in UE4. With each of these methods, multiple servers are involved. I would anticipate some form of Server-to-Server communication is necessary… and is where things can get tricky.

Several network protocols are used within a MMO for different purposes and you’ll have to select or develop one for Server-to-Server Communication. I’m personally in favor of using standardized protocols in the IP Protocol Suite for interoperability. There’s a application layer protocol to handle any form of communication required: (S)/SIP/RTP/IRC/REST.

My goal is utilize these protocols to devise a high-level architecture (HLA) for distributed computer game simulations. Using HLA, computer simulations can interact (that is, to communicate data, and to synchronize actions) with other computer game simulations, allowing virtual worlds to merge content, game mechanics, players, etc.

's some links to MMO Network Architecture:

  1. ://www.cs.ru.nl/bachelorscripties/2006/Martijn_Moraal___0131903___Massive_Multiplayer_Online_Game_Architectures.pdf

  2. ://ccr.sigcomm.org/online/files/p79-v37n1p-neumann.pdf

  3. ://www.cs.kent.edu/~javed/class-IAD06S/papers-2004/03_2.pdf

  4. ://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:347749/FULLTEXT01.pdf

  5. ://pagesperso-systeme.lip6.fr/Gael./research/biblio/2011/monnet11book-large-scale-game.pdf

  6. ://www.st.ewi.tudelft.nl/~siqi/papers/p2p-gaming-survey.pdf

Actually my plan was to host a blog, since I do have a channel with a few million viewers, I would be creating a blog on the whole process, and over years I am sure I can build a fanbase and eventually open a kickstarter. That was kind of my plan.

Basically I wanted to either:

  • Make a book
  • Make a show (like short episode on youtube)
  • Make an MMORPG

is all the same story and universe that I’ve thought up. I think it would make a great MMO. But I understand that making short episode might be an easier learning experience and investment. Therefore what if I create a show, and then pitch that show as a game to get funding?

Interesting train of thought. So it seems to be mostly story based? Wouldn’t a smaller scope story driven RPG be a much better fit? Most MMO’s don’t really have a story as their main selling point, often it’s just tacked on. As MMO’s usually aren’t very linear (which is kind of the point of them), story can easily take the back seat. Even in an MMO that I think had a great story (FFXI), it still felt like really short intermezzos whenever the story advanced and then everyone went about their usual MMO business of pointless infiinite task completion galore.

To be honest, I don’t understand the obsession of beginner develpers with MMO’s. So few of them were successful and they were mostly cool at the end of the 90’s when the novelty factor of being able to play in the same game with people all around the world was still exciting. Today it’s just one failure after the other as everyone tries to put a dent into the seemingly immortal king WoW and developers struggling with the fine line between needing to make money and balancing fairness of free to play models. I cringe at the thought of how many wasted hours were put into these projects that could have been spent working on something truely innovative instead.

If what you mainly want is to tell a story then I think you’d be much better off with a book or small story driven game. Also remember that ideas aren’t worth a **** in game development, it’s all about execution. Not to mention a lot of ideas end up being no fun or not working for other reasons. That said, I also think that if you truely want something you should just do it. Worst thing that can happen is you fail and learn from it.

For the MMO Architecture will I need to code it from scratch or can I somehow get code/plugin/software that I can tweak? Since it seems very demanding and will probably cost me thousands if I were to hire a coder.

Also in terms of story etc I know what I want to do and it fits into a game like RUST very well.

For the MMO Architecture will I need to code it from scratch or can I somehow get code/plugin/software that I can tweak? Since it seems very demanding and will probably cost me thousands if I were to hire a coder.

Also in terms of story etc I know what I want to do and it fits into a game like RUST very well.

I personally would look into raknet.

I am not sure if that would fit your need but it is worth a shot :slight_smile:

I personally would look into raknet.

I am not sure if that would fit your need but it is worth a shot :slight_smile:

Sadly I have no idea what my needs are.

Ok I learnt the following from you guys:

  • start small with a single player, and then maybe add 1-2 players
  • Start working with architecture and design

Now I have 1 more question.
Where do I start, where do I learn HOW I will need to design the assets/maps and how they interact?

I want to start with the beginning area, it’s a cave with the main character and 2 AIs. How do I do ? Should I start by designing 1 high poly main char and 2 med poly AIs? then move on to assets and fluid simulations etc?

Or do I first design the architecture etc?

My steps/opninion :slight_smile:

  1. note all important stuff about your game into a gdd!!! Otherwise you dont have a clear goal -> e.g how high should the player be able to jump? -> when you always change it, you also have to change your map!
  2. create a basic character + basic movement
  3. now start designing the map
  4. after you have a rough framework of your level you can start creating the AIs-> because now you can test out the “flow” of the map

Thanks will do that.

I wonder how far did guy get xD

I wonder how far did guy get xD

Yeah! I sort of hope they successful or another dream had been …

(from other topic)

That is why I’ve said start with RPG instead of start with MMORPG…