Where can I find more in-depth beginner tutorials? And other beginner questions.

It’s rare to find on Youtube, but what I think you need is a full “course” that walks you through the process of creating something specific from start to finish. Like making a simple First Person Shooter, or Puzzle Platformer etc. There are quite a few good courses on udemy that go through everything from start to finish. I bought this one for about $20 on Black Friday last year. Udemy often has sales with huge discounts:

I spent my first 2 years just watching youtube videos non-stop about little piecemeal tutorial subjects, and while that eventually did work, I can say it’s a lot faster when you have something organized.

I have a few in-depth tutorials on my channel where I try to explain what nodes actually do etc., but I so rarely have any free time to post new videos. I started to create a series that walks through putting together an entire game, but I got derailed after 2 videos. Still, you might find some of it useful.

I also just started a thread with my favorite YouTube channels listed:

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