Creating and Registering Components During Runtime
//in some AActor class
void AYourActor::CreateComponent(UClass* CompClass,const FVector& Location, const FRotator& Rotation, const FName& AttachSocket=NAME_None)
FName YourObjectName("Hiiii");
//CompClass can be a BP
UPrimitiveComponent* NewComp = ConstructObject<UPrimitiveComponent>( CompClass, this, YourObjectName);
return NULL;
NewComp->RegisterComponent(); //You must ConstructObject with a valid Outer that has world, see above
//could use different than Root Comp
The most notable line is this
UPrimitiveComponent* NewComp = ConstructObject<UPrimitiveComponent>( CompClass, this, YourObjectName);
in this case, “this” is the owning Actor that is creating its own component, and I am passing in “this” to ConstructObject
NewComp->RegisterComponent() will not work unless “this” is valid and has a valid world associated with itself, as most AActors will
Attach Location
Keep in mind you could use SnapToTarget or KeepRelativePosition
I am choosing here to specify world space starting location and THEN attach.
You could always use Root Comp or add parameter to specify which component to attach to.
You'll probably want to use "Mesh" for any Character :)
It's up to you!