what is the best way to start learning UE

Im having a low tier PC but i really want to start learning UE is there a good lad out there to help ?

What’s your PC spec?

Try UE5, and if that’s unbearable, switch to UE4.

Then go to

Save yourself hundreds of hours watching shaders compile and buy yourself a quad i7 with at least a 1060 second hand

anything less than a quad i7 and it will take hours to compile every new scene you open.

When I started learning UE4, I watched tutorials to 50%. For example I watched a tutorial about the simpelest game, where you have a cube that follows you and on collision explodes, and I as a player had to shoot him down. So when I watched the tutorial, I learned the fundamental things (like what is an actor, what nodes he used…) I didnt copy the code 1 to 1. I just observed and then experimented, tried to make it my own, see how I can use those things and how they can work together.

My advice would be to experiment alot, and when watching a tutorial try to understand what the guy in the video does and then make the same thing, but on your own.

Btw. I learned fundamentals of UE4 BPs from his tutorials https://www.youtube.com/c/RyanLaley/videos

Unreal learning portal is great
and you can learn a lot by downloading asset packs and looking through the maps to see how things are set up