What is the best way to handle Saving/Loading an Array of Objects?

I have an entire in-game editor where I load and save characters, destructible meshes, static mesh actors, materials, material instances, and much more!

The process is pretty simple

  1. Saving: save the core data that you need that is unique to that actor / object
  2. Loading: load a fresh instance of the actor / object, and then reapply the core data you saved to hard disk.

For procedural mesh

save the triangle data to hard disk, and also the transform and material path

when loading, load a newly spawned procedural mesh with no data, then load in the triangle data from hard disk

it’s not hard :slight_smile:

I’ve already set the whole thing up for my own use of procedural meshes, thanks for doing all that research on this topic!

#Dynamic Load Object

to load materials you can use my wiki on the subject


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