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I do like the fact that Unreal Engine was made free to use to other developers with the concept of the developers of the engine getting profit from sales of things released to the public for commercial purposes. However there is a question in my mind whether or not the unreal engine will remain free as well as open sourced if it hits version 5, 6, 7, 8 or even higher up. I have been interested in getting into video game development for some time but never really enjoyed the hassle nor have had the time to keep up with a game engine to go along with the times of development because I am alone on the ideas that I have for a few video games nor have the funds to go off and pay someone to create my vision for me. My question is simple though to community and for epic games staff as to whether or not this is going to continue in the future development of the Unreal Engine, it seems fascinating for sure and things can be contributed for sure with the development of the engine. I am only asking this because It will help me decide on the level of commitment I am willing to put into unreal engine and using it even contributing to it even when I have the time.

Hello everyone, would appreciate it if someone coud help, I can find the unreal engine repository on github, Iā€™m new to this ,thanks

Great and informative insights. Good to have it here.