Web UI (HTML/CSS/JS Interface Widgets)

We’ve updated the store on our website for accelerated paint license keys!

This took a lot longer than planned, but that’s primarily because of us recently being approved for the Marketplace, as we’ve been getting other plugins and examples prepared. But now developers don’t have to deal with the back-and-forth of email communication, and will have their keys always available on the orders page.

Another quick note that mobile support has been taking a lot longer than planned, and hasn’t been rolled out yet:

It turns out we needed to fork a lot of the code for the integrated web browsers on mobile (WebView + WKWebView) in order to get things working properly, especially the custom Java code on Android. Plus the amount of time it takes for us to make iOS builds and test things for iOS has also made things take a bit longer than originally planned.

We finally have a build of WebUI 2.0 ready for Android! There are still a few features that haven’t been implemented yet, but we at least have all the core functionality ready. This includes UFS access via http://game.local/ by leveraging request intercepts in the browser on mobile. We’ve already submitted a new build to Epic Games and should have Android supported on the Marketplace within the next few days.

We also have much of the iOS implementation done as well. However we haven’t had a chance to test everything yet, so we’ll be handling iOS once we get Android out of the way.

More updates are coming soon. Stay tuned!

There’s now a build for iOS available on the Marketplace:

However there’s still a few bugs that need to be fixed, including UFS loading via http://game.local and pass-through transparency support. We had a third-party developer testing iOS for us, but the language barrier made communication a bit difficult, and they haven’t been around in a while. If there are other developers out there looking to distribute on iOS, be sure to join our Discord server (discord.gg/N9xBKsXkee) to help us compile and test these last few issues for iOS.