We who are about to Die! (+ video inside)

Added 6 new hats and helmets to my game over the course of the last few days. Here’s one of them! For those who recognise the design - this one is inspired by the first game dev (modding) experience I ever had - adding the lotr high elven warrior sets to Mount & Blade. I couldn’t make a game without an ode to that, so a similar helmet and sword (not seen here) is in the game!

Added 18 new items this week, 12 shields and 6 helmets! Here’s a fancy pants shield (and also new helmet) Thoughts?

After like 3-4 years developing this game on my own its finally on STEAM! Check out the brand new teaser trailer and wishlist the game! Feels totally crazy. This is a huge milestone.

Still a while to go before release but its really taking shape and I am thrilled its available for wishlisting. I will start posting about the game and updates more frequently from this point on.
I’m doing everything by myself and have 0 budget for marketing so please help me out by spreading the word, sharing, telling your friends and wishlisting on steam! I cannot do this without you. Thank you all the support so far, you all rock.

Looks good!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

Hey all,
Join discord to apply for the** free beta playtester keys**!

I recently totally overhauled the animation system. No more foot sliding. Slower, more methodical combat. It looks and plays WAY better now, game is like twice as good now in the span of 2 weeks of dev !

Big post, havent been posting much here. Follow on twitter for almost daily updates: https://twitter.com/JordyLakiere

And please consider wishlisting the game! https://store.steampowered.com/app/9…e_about_to_Die

If you wanna chat or share suggestions, or playtest (later, ran out of keys for now) theres also the discord. We Who Are About To Die

The community is growing

Totally redid AI the last weeks. AI can now throw weapons at ye, among many other new moves.