VS2019 support in Unreal 5.3

I use vs2019 + UE 5.3.2. I couldn’t open UE C++ project or create a UE c++ project
It would show error like “Visual Studio 2019 does not support .NET 6.0 C# projects”
My solution is
1 .Download UE source code from github
2. run Setup.bat
3. run GernerateProjectFiles.bat
4. Builder UE5.sln
It seems fixed the problem

Please update Visual Studio 2022 and ensure no configuration is forcing WindowsTargetRules.Compiler to VisualStudio2019.

It was staring me in the face the whole time. If you get this message in your readout, double-check that your PROJECT’S DefaultEngine.ini is not forcing a compiler version. Switching to ‘Compiler=VisualStudio2022’ resolved the issue for me. The project was an upgrade from older versions of UE and it carried over the compiler settings.

Compiler=VisualStudio2022 <---
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Oh wow, your solution saved me. I had a fresh windows install with only VS2022. My generate project files step kept telling me VS2019 was required for my target. My DefaultEngine.ini had this config set for some reason.

So going over the comments/replies. It seems VS2019 no longer works starting with UE5.3, unless you build engine from source, as noted by user OSeven511. Everyone using the launcher versions of UE5.3+ will need VS2022 and windows 10+.

Tnks this solition worked for me.

This just work fine :slight_smile:

Thank you Sninkov!

Thank You!
But I Already have problem like this:

Microsoft platform targets must be compiled with Visual Studio 2022 17.4 (MSVC 14.34.x) or later for the installed engine. Please update Visual Studio 2022 and ensure no configuration is forcing WindowsTargetRules.Compiler to VisualStudio2019. The current compiler version was detected as: 14.29.30153

maybe i should upload VS 2022 :joy: