VS Code: Code shows errors in IDE, yet builds are successful


This is it!!! It totally works :smiley:
Thank you so much!!

Work for me, Just change PROJECT_NAME to yours:


By the way, you can find the Definitions at

YOUR_PROJECT_PATH/Intermediate/ProjectFiles/PROJECT_NAME.vcxproj (NMakePreprocessorDefinitions)

without open Visual Studio

But I will use this in the vs code settings.

"C_Cpp.intelliSenseEngine": "Tag Parser",

For the reason that the when you flesh vs code in unreal engine, the c_cpp_properties.json will flesh witch annoyed me.

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This worked for me yesterday :slight_smile: But adding a new C++ Class or refreshing the Project code wipes the settings, any workarounds?

so set Intelli Sense Engine to β€œTag Parser" could fix this. we can use the Default after they fix the new engine.

about Engine.h: