VR IK Body - Support

When you change the height of the character’s world coordinates, the movement animation will be invalid, and the default pose will be changed. The map is multi floor, and I don’t want to be limited by one floor

I was able to get the demo project working with 4.26 today. It was doing the same thing some some other people reported where you can see your hands moving but can’t start the calibration. I looked at BP_PlayerCharacter and BP_PlayerPawn and noticed that all the input events had warnings. I added new input actions and axis bindings for my Valve Index controllers and changed the blueprints to use those instead of the MotionController ones. After doing that it seems to work fine. I’m still pretty new to Unreal so this might not be the best way. Just thought that might be helpful to someone.

what happens when you play the game in client mode? are you stuck in the ground and cant move?

I run the example project for unreal4.25.I found that hand pose not worke in MultiplayerMap.As in ABP_MannequinMP,you cast the “pawn owner” to “BP_PlayerCharacter” but not “BP_PlayerCharacterMP”.
It helps a lot for my project! Is there any easy way to create handpose?I have to much different items in project can be pick up~ :joy:

Hey all, The UE4 4.26 Plugin seems to be missing some files / is not working when trying to build out for Android.

UATHelper: Packaging (Android (ASTC)): ERROR: Missing object file C:\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\MicroPyTorch01\Module.MicroPyTorch01.cppa7.o listed in C:\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\

PackagingResults: Error: Missing object file C:\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\MicroPyTorch01\Module.MicroPyTorch01.cppa7.o listed in C:\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\MicroPyTorch01\MicroPyTorch01.precompiled

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I am having the same issue: LogPlayLevel: Error: ERROR: Missing object file C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\MicroPyTorch01\Module.MicroPyTorch01.cppa7.o listed in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\Intermediate\Build\Android\UE4\Development\MicroPyTorch01\MicroPyTor

@anonymous_user_7d948cf1 @David_Chaseling
I see it. I’ll update the plugin later today.

UPD. Update is submitted.

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Thank you for pushing an update however I attempted to build and faced the same issue. Has the update gone through?

I am using 4.26.2 and when I look at your plugin in the project it says it is version 4.25.0. I uninstalled and reinstalled your plugin from the engine. Any idea what is wrong?

Try to open C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody\VRIKBody.uplugin in notepad. Do you see this at the end?

			"Name": "MicroPyTorch01",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PreDefault",
			"WhitelistPlatforms": [
				"Android"     <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <-- <--

No, it wasn’t there. Just manually added it in and tried to rebuild with the same error.

Yes, because it’s not enough to add this line. This mean the plugin didn’t update.

Remove the whole directory (C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace\VRIKBody), Restart launcher, remove the plugin via launcher and then install it again.

Thanks, it worked. I guess when I updated it the plugin update might now have been sent through at that stage.

I have one more issue. I am having a lot of difficulties with the legs. They jump around a lot, especially when I turn. Here is a video of the problem: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11QXRrxryHy2rMg9MLW0LnqHJRGl7kTv9/view?usp=sharing

Any idea what the cause is?

Please help

You might just want to use your own custom animations for the legs, or just hide them completely.

I had issues with the legs that I couldn’t solve, It is also highly dependent on you mesh.

Hope that help, I ended up just deleting the legs from my mesh.


Heya wondering if I could get some help with the plugin. I had everything building and working correctly on the launcher version of the engine when building for android.

I then had to change to the source code version of the engine (4.26) and now I cant package.

I get errors like
C:\The_Oracle\The_Oracle\Content\ABP_Unit00.uasset: Failed to load ‘/Script/VRIKBodyRuntime’: Can’t find file.
Packaging (Android (ASTC)): LogProperty: Error: FStructProperty::Serialize Loading: Property ‘StructProperty /Game/ABP_Unit00.ABP_Unit00_C:AnimGraphNode_AdjustFootToZ_1’. Unknown structure.

Everything looks fine through when I play in editor.


I’ll investigate it and write back to you.

Could you write me at ykasczc@gmail.com?

Hay, I am having problems with the right elbow sticking into my body, the left elbow works just fine facing outside, but the right elbow is inside my character model, setting invert elbows only inverted them both upwards.

Anyone have proper Oculus Touch palm offsets? I tried the ones labeled Oculus CV-1 but they were awful

Hi all.

Little tip I found out when trying to package for an Oculus Version of UE4.27

Plugin would be excluded from the packaged build until I removed this line from the plugin.

P.S Commenting it out wont work, you have to delete the line.