VR - Dead already ?

Have you seen this…


VR is not dead really but I dont think VR is meant to be for common gamers. If I ever design a game, VR will be an optional device - without VR headset, the game will be still be enjoyable. But probably simulator and the likes (medicine related) that will enjoy riding on VR wave as HMD device not too long ago, is very very expensive. Now it is available at price less than $1000.

Back in the days (and relatively not too long ago) PC gaming was for a few chosen ones. Then Voodoo 3D happened. GPUs were very expensive. I was only able to get Voodoo 3D when Riva TNT was the thing and already had price drop. VR today is no different from PC gaming from early days.

You don’t need $1000 PC. You only most likely need $250 top upgrade GPU to 1060 6Gb and $600 for HMD. It’s cheaper than buying UHD TV.

VR is currently the best way to play racing and cockpit games, and that’s only going to get better. A triple monitor setup is nothing compared to the presence you get from VR.

VR really needs more genres that take full advantage of it, because the only other genre better in VR is wave/arcade shooters, which is a very limited and kinda boring genre.

Walking simulators and horror games do seem to have a lot of potential in VR, but locomotion is a huge issue.

Guys My View on it is this Resident Evil 7. Why Resident Evil 7 because it uses Both First Person View and then Goes VR which give the Players A choice. now take that to doing only VR and you made the Choice for your Player Base and not everyone has VR yet and then can not play your game at all. Right now it’s best to follow Capcom and Go half and Half.

I love you for bringing up Voodoo cards! haha

Voodoo Cards is not a good analogy to VR, because voodoo simply enhanced the graphics NOT changed the medium. :slight_smile: Same image was pix elated later it wasn’t, in simple terms.

actually voodoo didnt enhance anything. Voodoo moved the OpenGL functionality from the CPU and designed it for the GPU. Prior to that, it was all software based OpenGL rendering. Stating that a redefine of the hardware and software, not to mention a total reconstruction of the architectural design and fundamentals of the CPU/GPU vs. Software only render is simply a “pixelated picture then wasn’t” is simply … mind blowing.

That … was… not… the … point… you egg-head.

As with most tech, porn will lead the way.

you had me at VR porn

Star Trek Bridge Crew has two major flaws : Looks very bad and is very expensive.

Simply because VR didn’t turn out as a goldmine as someone expected to be, that doesn’t mean it would “die”.

Just like this example, and the origins of some modern technology we use everyday, VR is in a very steep path but I believe it can be a mainstream technology in a mid,long-term. Not all fields of applications are going to be profitable (the adult industry is on the top). If it has a consistent evolution, we can see a different context in 5-10 years, just as Michael Abrash from Oculus said.

Mobile VR is where the money will be. Convenient, cheap and still impressive.

And perfect for watching VR porn.