Very strange FPS issue - editor vs standalone vs packaged


So, I just posted this a couple days ago. We are probably on our own with this:

In addition to the discrepancies, I have watched about 5 hours of video tutorial, read around 10 articles, scoured the documentation… and cannot explain any of this and nothing seems to work.

Fortunately, my current performance is satisfactory; but not on potatoes. From what I’ve learned, your problem seems very similar to mine: your Frame time sucks and I can almost guarantee your FEngineLoop is also taking a very long time as well.

We cannot see what is happening during this time for these events. I’ve found as much info as I could on these, but I think without actually profiling the source directly with our own code, we are never going to find out more. I certainly don’t have time to do that, unfortunately. Then in addition, most likely, it will be engine level changes to get this to be addressed.

It’s unfortunate all around.