Vertex Animation Script for Blender 3D Users

No problem, thank you so much for this addon, I have one question though, when I use vertex animated meshes with the foliage tool, any rotation of the foliage seem to break the animation, I imagine this happens because the foliage is one instance and so when the foliage is rotated it’s local rotation stays the same? is there a way to fix that in the material?

Hmm. I’m not sure. My knowledge of the foliage tools is very limited. I’m assuming your initial guess is probably correct.

Keen to integrate some vertex animations in my project but cant get the plugin to show in addons afer installation. any tips? Running Blender 3.5

My guess is plugin is outdated, github repo shows last commit was 3 years ago.

Hmm, not sure what the issue could be without more info. I’m getting it to install in 3.5. It’s the portable version, but I can’t imagine why that would matter. I’m working on pivot painter 1 and 2 currently. I actually have version 1 working. I’m just trying to decide how I want to implement ordered object selection in Blender. It doesn’t support it that I’m aware of. Once I get this working I can add the key frame mesh support to vertex animation. Anyway if you’re still having trouble let me know.

if anyone is having issues with calc_normals its because its deprecated in 4.0
remove me.calc_normals in

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This is amazing but I can’t even get the addon to install anymore. People here are using it in Blender 3.0 - 4.0 which is great but I have no idea how lol any ideas?

lmao yeah it get’s me every time I come back to mess with this plugin, but you have to unzip the contents from the “unreal_tools-master” and install the individual .py files. Vertex Animation and/or Mesh Morpher. it’s in the readme

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Thanks! :slight_smile: I appreciate your advice

@KhenaB I never got cloth simulations to work. I’m fairly new to this topic. The Plugin is installed in blender, I added “Cloth” to the list of allowed modifiers (also added “MESH_CHACHE”).

In blender I create a simple plane, subdivide, pin one side, cloth simulate with wind, export as mdd, import back to blender as MeshCache, lastly I try to use @Josh_Bogart plugin by clicking “Process Anim Mesh”. But I get the message “Mesh object has no attribute calc_normal. Did you mean flip_normals?”
What am I missing?


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Thank you for the fast reply :slight_smile: it seem to have worked, gonna deep dive tomorrow and import it into UE. I also commented away “#me.calc_normals()” from the plugin, it seems like that operator is removed from Blender 4.0. I haven’t worked with Blender plugins before so I need to study up what everything does. It keeps asking me if I meant to use “flip_normals” so that might be the replacement