Vehicle Collision Issue

Thanks for getting back to me.

I don’t think the hierarchy is the issue, I don’t have dummies on the wheels but didn’t on the last one and seemingly there’s no need for it in UE4 as the existing BP model doesn’t seem to have them.

It’s recognising the hierarchy and that the wheels are set correctly in UE4 they just happen to be driving sideways again, I think that’s the issue and I’m not sure where I’m going wrong.

I’ve set it to Z-Up (It was on Y).

It looks alright on the BP now, the camera is behind it, the wheels rotate the right way, but the car drives sideways. (However the camera is sideways too when you actually play it).

The car is also running along the x-axis, after x-forming it.

Hmm…Can you migrate that vehicle BP to a blank project and then upload it for me to take a look?

Hi Jacky,

Wasn’t sure how to export just the project including the BP, so here’s the .fbx file I’m working with now.

I still reckon I’m going wrong somewhere in 3DS Max, as I’ve followed what I did above exactly with this one too.

I must admit this car is the weirdest thing i’ve encountered with vehicles in UE4. I managed to get it stand correctly looking forward by making a new BP instead of building on top of Sedan BP, but then it crashed when i steered. I have no idea what is up with it but i’ll let you know if i can figure it out.

Just in case you still need help. How to get wheeled vehicle from Blender to Unreal Engine 4 from scratch [OLD] - YouTube made complete tutorial on how to do things in Blender. I did not read all the comments so if you still have some problems, if you will follow this tut I guarantee you will get it work

I’m Having the same problem with my vehicle.